
Tuesday, July 17, 2018

2018 Goal Update

2018 Goals! Update

Below is what I wrote back at the beginning of the month:

Anyone can tell you to be successful you have to have a long term goals as well as short term goals. Short term goals should be attainable. Goals that are short term nature and attainable helps fuel one desires to attain other goals including long term goals which may take years to achieve. However, whenever you achieve a short term goals this really helps motivate you to try to achieve your long term goals.

It’s with this type of mentality that I will set up my 2018 goals. Everyone knows our long term goals is to be able to achieve financial independence and early retirement. How about short term goals. This in my opinion tend to be hard to break down as everyone has different desires and train of thoughts when it comes to narrowing goals that can be both achievable and fuel your progress to achieve the ultimate goals. So here is my Goals for this year:

          1. Invest $3000 in new capital this year.   Accomplish
          2. Save for a down payment for a new house.  New Home purchase June 2018
          3. Updated a new rental unit (potentially raise rental on next tenant)  We raised 2 of our tenants monthly rent
          4. Raise rental on Two tenants. March 2018
          5. Buy 10 Stocks this year and continue to add shares to initial position. Added 20 new Stocks
          6. Buy 6 Monthly paying dividend stocks.  5 currently owned
          7. Buy Dividend Aristocrats Stocks.  PG, T, LEG
          8. Continue to build Emergency Cash to 9 months. in Progress

The goals above are all achievable and should propel my future growth towards early retirement. As you can see real estate will be part of my planning. We currently own a multi-family. We are actively looking and saving for a new property. Mrs. Dividend Pursuit we love to get a single family with an in-law setup for her parents. Her father is getting closer to retirement and hopefully we can help them when they reach their retirement milestone.

What are you priorities and goals for 2018?
It seems that I have reach most of the milestone as we reach halfway point of the year. What are we looking forward to for the rest of the year.

1. Continue to make at least 1 purchase a month for the rest of the year.
2. Move all holdings to Robinhood.
3. Save for a new car
4. Take 1 international travel. We already took one back in March so this will be an additional one.

Thanks for visiting 

Dividend Pursuit

Disclaimer: Long on all stocks listed

Disclaimer: I’m not a licensed investment advisor and not an investment professional. This site is only meant for educational or entertainment purposes only. I’m not liable for any losses suffered as a result. Please consult with an investment or tax professional before investing any of your money.

July 2018 Buy III

July 2018 Purchase III

Halfway through the month of July, it was time to pull the trigger on another superb quality stocks, with decades of paying and raising dividend. Every product to produce, you have either used it or know someone who uses them. From baby to adult, woman to men, everyone uses one or multiple lines of their products. 

It is only fitting that now I have become a part owner of this amazing company, as they pay me in form of dividend every quarter. This shows me they are profitable, specially since they have paid dividend for over 60 years...WOW, my mother was not even born yet. Their product is mostly necessary to actually enjoy life to the fullest as they are product that improve quality of life, in this beautiful planet of our Earth.

So without further ado... here is what I have purchased so far this month with mine third purchase.

July 16, 2018
PG 10 Shares @ $79.39 Total $793.90
WDFC 2 Shares @ $162.78 Total $325.55
CL 5 Shares @ $65.60 Total $328.02

July 17, 2018
WDFC 2 Shares @ $160.04 Total $320.08

It continues to be a busy summer so far. We have taken few trips to enjoy life and improve our quality of life at the same time. We continue to deploy fresh capital and we also been moving capital invested in Sharebuilder (Capital One Investing) to Robinhood platform at the same time. All the transaction was on Robinhood platform.

With this recent purchase I have now added in forward yearly dividend; PG $28.688; WDFC $8.64; CL $8.40 for a total of $45.72.

What do you think of recent purchase? What have you been buy of late?

Thanks for visiting
Dividend Pursuit

Disclaimer: Long on all stocks listed

Disclaimer: I’m not a licensed investment advisor and not an investment professional. This site is only meant for educational or entertainment purposes only. I’m not liable for any losses suffered as a result. Please consult with an investment or tax professional before investing any of your money. 

Saturday, July 14, 2018

July 2018 Buys II

July 2018 Buys II On Robinhood Account

Continue from the previous post, I am now only make purchases from the Robinhood account going forward, unless some drastically event changes that. Got love no transaction cost or fees. The fees do eat into the profit for sure. I got to admit I really like the Sharebuilder format when I first started using it back in 2003. It was a long time coming to finally make the change. 

Without further what I have recently buy on Robinhood platform:

July 2, 2018
ABM 4 Shares @ $29.49. I long coveted purchase this stock it is a well diversify company, just had to buy it here.
July 3, 2018
VZ 4 Shares @ $50.82
BMY 2 Shares @ $55.71

July 5, 2018
TD 3 Shares @ $57.69
ABBV 3 Shares @ $94.82
DLNG 14 Shares @ $8.42
July 9, 2018
SBUX 8 Shares @ $49.90
ABT 5 Shares @ $62.52
BKE 10 Shares @ $26.45
July 11, 2018
ABBV 1 Share @ $95.33
NWFL 5 Shares @ $35.98
CPB 5 Shares @ $42.47

As you can see it has been a really busy month, Deploying new capital and selling assets on Capital One and buy new assets on Robinhood platform. I really enjoy buy stocks. I am learning new things and I am now focus on buy in a diversify manner with some limitations on Robinhood platform. 

As Mr. Market change with daily market gyrations, I was present with new opportunity to add some stocks that were down and others which I just wish to own at even a higher price where I would like to buy them.

What do you think of recent purchases? What have you being buy?

Thanks for visiting

Dividend Pursuit

Disclaimer: Long on all stocks listed

Disclaimer: I’m not a licensed investment advisor and not an investment professional. This site is only meant for educational or entertainment purposes only. I’m not liable for any losses suffered as a result. Please consult with an investment or tax professional before investing any of your money. 

July 2018 Purchase & Sell

Purchases & Sells from Capital One Investing

As we start the second half of 2018, a new month, I took the apportunity to change few things. Althought, I believe this was started last month, with the change from Capitalone Investing to Robinhood platform. the moves has some benefits and some drawbacks. However, the benefits from no transaction cost should more than compensate for the drawback, in my view are no possibility to invest base on dollar amount. Instead I will be buy number of shares range from 1 to 10 at times or even 20 as was the case with my initial purchase of GE purchase.

So without further ado.... here are some of the activities that have taken placed, first update from my Capitaone Investing account.
July 3, 2018 Purchase on Sharebuilder (Capitalone Investing)
MAIN 3.81 Shares @ $38.28 + $3.95 commission = $150.00

Sells July 5, 2018
DLR 3.1017 Shares @ $114.39, all commission of $6.95 was refunded due to Capital One sells the account to E-Trade.
WPC 7.2896 Shares @ $66.99

July 12, 2018
VTR 5.1596 Shares @ $58.41
VOD 10 Shares @ $24.29
BNS 10.0052 @ $56.85

Standby there will be more sales from now until August 8, 2018. This is the deadline impose by capital One Investing to sell partial sale before the transfer to E-Trade occurs. I may or may not take advantage of the refund on commission and move all my account to Robinhood.

What do you think of this recent strategy? I do believe I will incur some capital gains in the process but it will be easier to manage my account from one broker. Of course I will be buy most of the holding I am selling on Capital One, on Robinhood eventually. But this will also give me the opportunity to buy other bargains stock out there.

What do you think of recent buy and sell?

Thanks for visiting

Dividend Pursuit

Disclaimer: Long MAIN only at the moment.

Disclaimer: I’m not a licensed investment advisor and not an investment professional. This site is only meant for educational or entertainment purposes only. I’m not liable for any losses suffered as a result. Please consult with an investment or tax professional before investing any of your money.

Tuesday, July 10, 2018

June 2018 dividend payout

June 2018 dividend payout

Wow another month has gone by. However, every investor cherishes this time of the month. It gives us time to stop and count our divided payout for the previous month.

So last month was another milestone for sure for my family. We closed in a new home on June 25, 2018. It is a beautiful six (6) year old house with plenty of space for the three (3) of us to enjoy with extended family who visit often. We really enjoy having family around. That is the reason why I invest in the first place, to be able to find more time with them eventually.

So without further who pay me last month

MAIN $3.17
QCOM $4.85
LTC         $3.27
STAG $4.96
PBA $0.44
O          $1.29
EPR.        $1.32
Main $5.58
DLR $3.1

Total $27.98

So last month I received a total of $27.98 in form of dividend payout. We also received $287.00 in cash flow from our rental units for a total of $314.98.

How did you do last month? Who pay you dividend last month?

Thanks for visiting

Dividend pursuit

Disclaimer: Long on all stocks listed

Disclaimer: I’m not a licensed investment advisor and not an investment professional. This site is only meant for educational or entertainment purposes only. I’m not liable for any losses suffered as a result. Please consult with an investment or tax professional before investing any of your money. 

Tuesday, July 3, 2018

July 2018 watch list

July 2018 watch list

It sure was a busy month last month. It is now time to plan ahead on what I may potentially buy and put them on my watch list for July 2018. There are some stocks who are little bit deafen down who I surely wish I own, they will be on my watch list if opportunity presents it self. Of course any single stocks on potential watch list does not mean I may purchase them as Mr. Market can always throw us a curve ball and we will need to adjust for that. 

But here is what I plan to buy or potentially buy if things go my way this month:
REIT has rebound a little bit but there are still opportunity in some areas for that I will look to purchase MAIN, HCP, STAG, O and EPR.

In the utilities sector I may initiate positions in SO, D, ED and NGG. Health sector looks attractive for long term so I may initiate positions in JNJ, BMY, ABT, ABBV, PFE and GSK.

Staples and other sectors that I may consider for this month are KO, GIS, K, PG, DPS or KDP, CMI, TD, RY, XOM, ABM, VZ, BP, T, LTC, SBUX and CM.

This does not mean I will buy every single stocks listed here, but it is a good start where I will be looking to add shares or start a position.

What are you look at buying this month. Are you take advantages of dips in the market to add or start a position?
Thanks for visiting

Dividend Pursuit 

Disclaimer: Long only on T, DPS,  MAIN, STAG, O, LTC and EPR 

Disclaimer: I’m not a licensed investment advisor and not an investment professional. This site is only meant for educational or entertainment purposes only. I’m not liable for any losses suffered as a result. Please consult with an investment or tax professional before investing any of your money. 

Monday, July 2, 2018

June 2018 VI Purchase

June VI Purchase

With the month closing, I decide to pull the trigger on one more purchase. It surely has been a busy month. There are some bargains, but there are also shares I initiated a position but will continue to built on. Hopefully I can also average down as well on some position as time goes on. 

So without any further ado... here is what I purchase, this time I went back to Robin hood platform to add new positions.

June 29, 2018

T 6 Shares @ $32.15 Total = $192.90
DPS 2 Shares @ $121.07 Total = $242.14
DIS 2 Shares @ $105.04 Total = $210.08

Wow, I continue to add moth of companies to my fund to achieve early retirement sooner rather than later. Consistently buy in the market regardless of the market condition has a power full impact down the line for sure. I may even make few more purchase in July before I slow down for sure.

What do you think of recent purchases? What have you being buying lately?

Thanks for visiting
Dividend Pursuit

Disclaimer: Long on all stocks listed

Disclaimer: I’m not a licensed investment advisor and not an investment professional. This site is only meant for educational or entertainment purposes only. I’m not liable for any losses suffered as a result. Please consult with an investment or tax professional before investing any of your money. 

August 2024 Dividend Update

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