
Tuesday, March 5, 2019

February Dividend -Update

February 2019 - Dividend update

A new month has started and it is time to count the dividend received last month. This is every dividend investor favorite time of the month. The time to count the dividend and see who paid us the previous month.

I look at it as wonderful businesses who decide to share a little bit of their wealth with investors. Of course long time investor has the time horizon on their side as the dividend couple with dividend increase will compound over the long haul.

Without further is the list of the dividend stocks who paid me:

StocksDividend Amount
O $2.26
A total of 26 different companies share a little bit of their wealth with yours truly and this is a wonderful thing. I received $136.28 last month in dividend that is a whopping $773.41% over last February 2018, truly amazing the power of compounding.

As I continue to build my portfolio to reach FI/FIRE, I could not be more proud to own this companies who share a piece of their wealth with us.

How did you do last month? 

Do we share the same names?

Thanks for visiting 

Dividend pursuit

March 2019 watch list

March 2019 watch list

Wow! We are already at the beginning of the end of first quarter of the year. This year is really fly by!
However, new month and it is time to plan what I will he planning to add to my fund. Last month saw an increase on the amount of capital I deploy. This month I will try to stick with the basics, unless Mr. Market throws a wrench our way. Where this could present a opportunity to buy stocks at a depressed value. 

In the meantime let us review potential purchase for this month:

Chubb (CB) I would like to add more shares here. Their board recently proposed a 2.7% dividend increase, which means they will have increase dividend for 26th year and a row, surely a dividend aristocrat which I love to own.

TD - one of Canadian bank I love to keep add shares to. They also increase their dividend of late by 10.4% amazing.

T - Big T continues to be a great value with a juicy dividend. It may be time to add more shares here .

VZ- I believe Verizon will be a great 5G implementations slate to begin in the first half of 2019. They are set to be the leader in this area. Also the 4% dividend is very juicy for a stable dividend payer.

ABBV - with the price down more than 10% of recent it may be time to add more shares here as well.

KO-  It may be time to add KO to my fund I have been in the sidelines waiting for the price to drop. So I will start a small position to get start this position.

Also I am looking at other potential purchases to include: LTC, MAIN, RIO, ETN, GPC, KHC, KMI, VFC, OXY, BLX, MRK. GILD, BCE, IRM, CINF, ITW, STWD, DLR and LEG

The above list may present a buying opportunity depending on market conditions, I am hoping to initiate a position in some of this stocks.

What do you think of my watch list, are we buying similar stocks?

What are yo buying lately?

Thanks for visiting 
Dividend  Pursuit 

Disclaimer: Long on all stocks listed, except for KO, VFC, OXY, GILD, BCE, CINF, DLR, RIO, ETN and GPC

Disclaimer: I’m not a licensed investment advisor and not an investment professional. This site is only meant for educational or entertainment purposes only. I’m not liable for any losses suffered as a result. Please consult with an investment or tax professional before investing any of your money.

Friday, March 1, 2019

February 2019 - Recent Purchase II

Recent Purchase III - February 2019

The last day of February is here and March is around the corner. I cannot believe we are already heading to first quarter of the year. 

After vacationing with my family last week and now we are fully engaged in our regular routine, it was time to start investing again. There are a lot of stocks I wish to own. This is specially true after few of my favorite stocks cut their dividend. 

That is why you want to be diversified and not rely on a handful of stocks, instead a bigger pool will provide a more diversified stocks who will provide regular dividends.

It is with that new concept that I have been focusing on adding more stocks and changing my prospective in investing to include more stocks in my fund. I have not come to a conclusion to the number of stocks I will be adding to my FIRE fund. But I have been adding quite a few in the last few weeks.

Now without further ado... let us look at what stocks I purchase recently:

February 26, 2019

DAL 7 shares @ $51.58 total $361.06

February 27, 2019

QCOM 6 shares @ $53.00 total $318.03
WHR 5 shares @ $142.43 total $712.13
PEP 5 shares @ $115.25 total $576.24
DEO 6 shares @ $155.95 total $935.70
TSN 5 shares @ $61.56 total $307.80
D 2 shares @ $74.28 total $148.56
AZN 25 shares @ $42.38 total $1059.62

February 28, 2019

PFG 6 shares @ $52.48 total $314.88

I spent a total of $4734.02 and added four (4) new stocks to my FIRE fund. With this purchase I addded $239.27 in forward yearly dividend.

The market is on the upswing so it was time to add more stocks and shares of my favorite company. Given the fact that I had four companies cut they dividend this month, this will surely add more dividend to my fund.

What do you think of recent purchase?
What are you buying lately?

Do we share some names this month?

Thanks for visiting!

Dividend Pursuit

Disclaimer: Long on all stocks listed

Disclaimer: I’m not a licensed investment advisor and not an investment professional. This site is only meant for educational or entertainment purposes only. I’m not liable for any losses suffered as a result. Please consult with an investment or tax professional before investing any of your money.

Monday, February 25, 2019

February 2019 - Recent Purchase II update

Recent Purchase II Update - February 2019

It seems that the market have rebounded from December lows, the market continues to be in the upswing. Bargains are becoming hard to find. However, it is best to ignored the noises and continue to invest with a long term view, specially if you wish to achieve FIRE.

The Dividend Pursuit family just return from our February vacation. We visited the Orlando, Florida for a week. The weather was beautiful and definitely warmer than Massachusetts and the best we missed the cold weather and snow last week in Massachusetts. It definitely puts life in prospective when one takes vacation to recharge the batteries and break the daily routine. 

As I return to work on Sunday, it was a wake up call that I do not wish to work forever and maintain the same routine. My passion and the desire to reach FIRE was definitely burning hotter after the vacation. 

Spending time with family and drawing closer to each other as we spent time doing different activities. The visits to the Disney (DIS) theme parks was a clear evidence why I will continue to purchase DIS Stocks, hopefully it can come down a little bit before I add more shares to my fund in this magnificent company, that is well diverse and position to grow this year and for years to come.

Now without further ado... let us review what I purchase recently in my portfolio of funds: 

February 15, 2019

LTC 2 shares @ $47.46 total $94.92
AFL 3 shares @ $49.33 total $147.99
TUP 10 shares @ $29.76 total $297.57
IP 4 shares @ $47.07 total $188.28
LB 10 shares @ $27.33 total $273.30

February 19, 2019

CMI 2 shares @ $154.67 total $309.34
MAIN 5 shares @ $37.87 total $189.35
HSBC 6 shares @ $41.52 total $249.12
WELL 5 shares @ $76.75 total $383.73
HSY 5 shares 109.70 total $548.50

February 20, 2019

GSK 10 shares @ $41.51 total $415.10

February 22, 2019

UPS 5 shares @ $109.80 total $549.00
JNJ 5 shares @ $136.41 total $682.05

WOW, it was definitely a busy month. I did not plan to spend this much money investing, however the opportunity to add shares and also add five (5) more different stocks to my collection seem to good to pass on.

I have wanted to own Johnson and Johnson (JNJ) for long time as well as UPS  and Hershey (HSY).

The opportunity was there so I pounce on it this time, they all have paid dividend yearly for a long time and they usually reward the shareholder via dividend increases handsomely.

With these purchase I added $4328.25 in fresh capital and this will add $131.82, forward yearly dividend.

What do you think of recent purchase?
Do we share some names here?
What are you buying this month or are you staying in the sidelines?

Thanks for visiting

Dividend Pursuit

Disclaimer: Long on all stocks listed

Disclaimer: I’m not a licensed investment advisor and not an investment professional. This site is only meant for educational or entertainment purposes only. I’m not liable for any losses suffered as a result. Please consult with an investment or tax professional before investing any of your money. 

Thursday, February 14, 2019

Recent Purchase -February 2019

Recent Purchase Update - February 2019

With the Government now open, I was able to get some pay although I have not received all back pay due at this point. This has had an impact on what I purchase and the frequency I usually try to keep on a weekly basis.

However, last week I add more shares to existing stocks I already owned. I will try to keep the same amount of stocks I currently own or even trim back few more stocks this year.

Now let us review my recent purchase, without further is what I purchase.

February 6, 2019

XOM 5 shares @ $75.19 total $375.95
ADM 6 shares @ $41.82 total $250.91

February 7, 2019

XOM 2 shares @ $74.68 total $149.37

February 13, 2019

BP 2 shares @ $42.63 total $85.26
PSX 3 shares @ $96.06 total $288.18

This month I was trying to focus on my watch list and building current stocks shares already on my portfolio retirement fund. However, BP still looks attractive so decided to add few more shares.

With this purchase I spent $1149.67 and added to my in forward yearly dividend in each stocks in the following amount:

 XOM $22.96
 ADM $8.60 
 PSX $9.60
 BP $4.92

This adds a total of $46.08 in forward yearly dividend to my FIRE Fund.

What do you think of recent purchase?
What are you buying?

Thanks for visiting

Dividend Pursuit

Disclaimer: Long on all stocks listed

Disclaimer: I’m not a licensed investment advisor and not an investment professional. This site is only meant for educational or entertainment purposes only. I’m not liable for any losses suffered as a result. Please consult with an investment or tax professional before investing any of your money. 

Tuesday, February 12, 2019

January 2019 Dividend Payout

January 2019 Dividend Payout

Every dividend investor favorite time of the month is when the time comes at the end of every month and count the dividend received during previous month. With January 2019 firmly in the books, let us review who payed us dividend last month and see the process so far for this year.

Lets us review who payed me last month without further ado...

StocksDividend Amount
Last Month I received $179.22 in dividend that is 564% increase from January 2018, wow, it is amazing what the powder of compounding can do and buy dividend paying stocks who raise their dividend on a yearly basis.

Dividend payout 2018 Vs 2019

I am also project to double my yearly dividend from last year $984.62 final number.


How did you do last year and last month? Are your goals on target for this year?
Do we share some names of dividend payers last month?

Thanks for visiting 

Dividend Pursuit

Disclaimer: Long on all stocks listed

Disclaimer: I’m not a licensed investment advisor and not an investment professional. This site is only meant for educational or entertainment purposes only. I’m not liable for any losses suffered as a result. Please consult with an investment or tax professional before investing any of your money.

Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Raises February 2019

Raises February 2019
Raises February 2019


There is nothing greater than receiving a raise. The problem is that most 9-5 Jobs only give their employees a raise once a year. At times its a meager 2% if that, which does not keep up with infraction.

This means the power of your earnings is actually loosing its value and purchasing power. As the price of consumer goods are raised at a higher rate yearly.

Not to mention things we all purchase daily that are necessities tend to also go up yearly. This is what inflation is.

So this is the reason I buy and accumulate dividend paying stocks who yearly raise their dividend.

Without further ado... let us review the companies who decided to increase their dividend this month.

ADM- raised their dividend by 4.5% from $0.335 to $0.35. This will add $0.42 to my yearly dividend.

KMB - raise it's dividend by 3% from $1.00 to $1.03. This will add $0.24 to my yearly dividend.

HEP- raised it's dividend for the second quarter in a row since I purchased it, this time by 0.4% from $0.665 to $0.6675, which will add $0.13 in yearly dividend.

WES- Also raised its dividend for the second time in a row for me, This time from 1.6% from $0.965 to $0.98. The raise will add $0.60 to my yearly dividend.

D- raised its dividend from $0.83 to $0.9175 a whopping 9.9% that surely will beat inflation. This will add $4.95 to my yearly dividend.

AFL -raised its dividend by 3.8% from $0.26 to $0.27. This will add $0.24 to my yearly dividend.

Now the dividend CUTS

There are two companies who announced dividend cuts this month.

First is TUP they slashed their dividend by a whopping 60.3% from $0.68 to $0.27. This will lower my yearly dividend by $49.20 in forward dividend.

UL- I think this is mostly Exchange trade from pound to dollar at the time of the announcement. Either way its a cut in the books. a 1.4% cut from $0.4487 to $0.4422 this looses $0.24 to my forward yearly dividend.

Normally I would cut my lost with dividend cuts. However, I like both companies as a long term investors and will hold both stocks for now. This may change in the future depending on further financial woes.

What do you think of recent raises and dividend cuts?

Did we share in the raises or cuts in dividend this month?

Did you received any other raises?

Disclaimer: Long on all stocks listed above.

Disclaimer: I’m not a licensed investment advisor and not an investment professional. This site is only meant for educational or entertainment purposes only. I’m not liable for any losses suffered as a result. Please consult with an investment or tax professional before investing any of your money.

August 2024 Dividend Update

 August 2024 Dividend update Another month has passed us, and I am almost catching up with my monthly reports. Time to add my August 2024 re...