
Tuesday, October 30, 2018

November 2018 Watchlist

November Watch list

November is fast approaching, so it is time to contemplating on possible buys for November. Cash will be scarce, so I will be evaluating the possibility of making three (3) purchase. I have narrow twelve (12) stocks. I may add 2 more stocks and add to other currently on my portfolio. As we wind down towards the end of the year, I will also be saving money to pay my tax next year. On my last post about the fund update I talked about trimming amount of stocks in my portfolio more to come on that.

The current market gyrations can be scary and keep one in the sidelines, however I have always had the mind set that continually investing no matter what the market gyrations bring, will help fuel my long term goals. That is why I wish and hope to continually investing weekly If I could.

So here are the stocks on my radar for November:

JNJ, OKE and KO would be new position if I decide to buy them this month. The Dividend Pursuit fund has come to a point where I will need to keep adding shares rather than starting a new position. That will be the mantra going in to 2019, however I think I may try to start that mantra sooner.
The fund is currently projected to earn $1470.07 a year, Hopefully I can go over the $1500 mark soon.


The last two weeks I had a chance to play stay-at-home dad (SAHD) with Junior, drop him off at the bus pick up spot and stay home. This gave me a glimpse of the possibility when I reach FIRE. I spend some time at the gym exercising, did laundry and cook for the family while Mrs. Dividend Pursuit was working. She joke this week that I am practicing being a stay at home dad/husband. It is not a dream for me but a goal that I hope to reach in the near future.

What are you buying next month? 

Thanks for visiting

Dividend Pursuit

Disclaimer: Long on all stocks listed except for OKE, JNJ and KO

Disclaimer: I’m not a licensed investment advisor and not an investment professional. This site is only meant for educational or entertainment purposes only. I’m not liable for any losses suffered as a result. Please consult with an investment or tax professional before investing any of your money. 

Monday, October 29, 2018

New Purchase IV October 2018 & dividend raises

New Purchase IV & Dividend Raises

As we continue to wind down to the end of 2018, it was time to put more capital to work and continue to built my dividend. The market gyrations continue to be in a tail spin, however it is best to ignore all the daily noises market presents and focus on buying stable companies who continually grown their dividend. It is we that mind set that I continue to buy and add more shares to companies I already own when value presents itself.

Without further is what I purchase last week.

October 24, 2018
HEP 3 shares @ $31.51 total $94.54
WES 4 shares @ $44.38 total $177.52
CFG 4 shares @ $36.02 total $144.08

I have long being a fan of Citizens Bank (CFG), and now that it is a standalone bank and distance it self from (RBS) Royal Bank of Scotland. It has continue to grown it's dividend, not to mention it is the leading New England regional bank. Current dividend of $0.27 a share yields just over 3.09%, this purchase will add $4.32 in forward yearly dividend.

Holly Energy partners (HEP) has recently raised it's dividend from $0.66 to $0.665 a .08% not what I was expecting, never the less a raise is a raise. With this purchase I will add $7.98 in forward yearly dividend.

Western Gas Partners (WES) has also raise it's dividend from $0.95 to $0.965 a 1.6% increase. They continue to raise dividend year after year and the price is down at the moment so great time to add more shares. This will add $15.44 in forward yearly dividend.

Principal Financial Group (PFG) has also raise it's dividend from $0.53 to $0.54 a 1.9% increase from last quarter. The current dividend yield is now at 4.37%, very juice, thank you I will take that and maybe by more here, time will tell.

Merck & Co. (MRK) has also decide to give us a raise since by boss will not give me a raise this year, I will take one via my dividend stocks who show me some love here. The dividend will be raised from $0.48 to $.055 a whopping 14.6% increase wow, current yield is now at 3.12%.

With this purchase and the dividend raise that I will be receiving will add $46.22 in my forward yearly dividend.

Truly amazing the power of compounding and buy stable companies who show some love to shareholders. This will buy me one (1) hour of my time at work.

What do you think of recent purchases? What are you buying lately?

Thanks for visiting

Dividend Pursuit

Disclaimer: Long on all stocks listed

Disclaimer: I’m not a licensed investment advisor and not an investment professional. This site is only meant for educational or entertainment purposes only. I’m not liable for any losses suffered as a result. Please consult with an investment or tax professional before investing any of your money. 

Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Dividend Pursuit Fund

Update on dividend Pursuit fund

We are almost coming to the of this year, I have consistently invested this year. I also have collect some fantastic stocks along the way. So what to do next? So far I collected 70 wonderful companies that I will continue to add more shares and built my dividend to reach FIRE.

So it is time to re-evaluate each stocks and evaluate why I own it. Does it fit and compliment my overall portfolio. Will it continue to provide continued dividend growth in the future? Is dividend sustainable for the next five or 10 years?

Eventually I am hoping to trim the stock fund to max of. 60 stocks by year end. I am down the line buy the same stocks as I do believe in them. The fund has come to a point where it is now to much to track while working full time and manage family activities and so forth.

What do you think of the concept above? Do you sell your share after purchasing? Is there a limit on your fund to how many stocks you hold?


For visiting 

Dividend Pursuit.

Disclaimer: I’m not a licensed investment advisor and not an investment professional. This site is only meant for educational or entertainment purposes only. I’m not liable for any losses suffered as a result. Please consult with an investment or tax professional before investing any of your money. 

Tuesday, October 23, 2018

New Purchase III October 2018

Recent Purchase III

As we are coming to the end of October and winding down to 2018 I made some recent purchase to complete add to my FIRE fund. I continue to average down on my cost basis and taking advantage of recent market volatility to average down.

Without further is what I purchase recently:

October 16, 2018
LND 30 shares @ $3.80 total $113.88
October 17, 2018
CL 3 shares @ $63.32 total $189.94
DLNG 6 shares @ $8.97 total $53.82

October 18, 2018
CAT 2 shares @ $135.46 total $270.92
F 15 shares @ $8.55 total $128.25
FAST 5 shares @ $52.38 total $261.90
CFG 3 shares @ $34.89 total $104.67
IBM 2 shares @ $130.15 total $260.30
IP 3 shares @ $41.94 total $125.82
LTC 3 shares @ $43.51 total $130.53

With this purchase I added $68.69 in forward yearly dividend. What do you think of recent purchases? What have you been buying recently?

Thanks for visiting

Dividend Pursuit

Disclaimer: Long on all stocks listed

Disclaimer: I’m not a licensed investment advisor and not an investment professional. This site is only meant for educational or entertainment purposes only. I’m not liable for any losses suffered as a result. Please consult with an investment or tax professional before investing any of your money.

Friday, October 12, 2018

Recent Purchase II October 2018

Recent Purchase II & and Dividend Raises.

Another week and another dollar assigned to be a soldier in my fund. Dollar never sleeps, so I can sleep like a baby and collect dividend. With the market current volatility, it is easier to sit on the side line and have the wait and see attitude. However, I am comfortable adding more funds to my current holding and keep adding dividend to fuel my future Financial Independent Retire Early (FIRE).

Let us review what I added this week with my second purchase. Although this was a small purchases compare with my last purchase, it will add dividend income and contribute to future growth and compound over the long haul.

Without further ado... here is what I  purchased:

October 11, 2018
COP 2 shares @ $73.78 total $147.56
ABBV 1 shares @ $91.97
DLNG 4 shares @ $8.58 total $34.32

October 12, 2018
DLNG 1 shares @ $8.51

These purchase was mostly to average down on my cost average overall, except for COP. But due to Market volatility I took advantage to average down and buy a dip here.

Abbvie -ABBV the maker of Humira is a dominant in its field. Humira is a medication used to treat rheumatoid arthritispsoriatic arthritisankylosing spondylitisCrohn's diseaseulcerative colitis, chronic psoriasishidradenitis suppurativa, and juvenile idiopathic arthritis. The drug makes around $20 Billion dollars a year, although many patent protection in different countries will either expire soon or has already expired like the US in 2016. ABBV has continue to spend on R &D which will contribute to more drugs in the pipeline soon. The Stock has traded between $85 to $125 in the last year. So current price $91 a the time of purchase is a good deal in my eyes. The P/E ratio is at 22 i would like for that to be under 20 but given the fact this is a leading provider with room to grow, I am comfortable here. Current Dividend Yield is at 2.72% with room to continue growing their dividend. With this purchase my total shares is now 13. This will add $3.84 in forward yearly dividend.

Conoco Phillips -COP It is the world's largest independent pure-play exploration and production company. ConocoPhillips focuses solely on exploring for, developing and producing oil and natural gas globally. The company manages its operations through six operating segments, which are defined by geographic region: Alaska, Lower 48 and Latin America, Canada, Europe, Asia Pacific and Middle East, and Other International. After recent down fall oil prices in 2016-2017, COP has paid down debt and are now on focus shareholder value through dividend increases and share buyback.  With the purchase my total shares is now 7. Current P/E is at 19 and Dividend Yield at current price is around 1.93% future dividend raises are coming. This will add $2.28 in forward yearly dividend. 

Dynagas LNG Partners LP -DLNG the following is from DLNG website "We are a growth-oriented limited partnership focused on owning and operating high specification and versatile LNG carriers that are employed on multi-year contracts with international energy companies, providing us with the benefits of stable cash flows and high utilization rates. We define charters of two years or more as multi-year charters."

My current total shares is 19. P/E is high at 31 and the Dividend Yield is currently at 15.56% I will continue to monitor to see if the dividend will be sustainable for next 3 years. This will add $5.00 in forward dividend.

Few stocks have decided to raise my pay in the next few weeks in form of dividend increases. COP raised its dividend by 7% from $0.285 to $0.305 this will add $0.56 to my yearly dividend. The Ex-Dividend date will be October 12 and payable on December 3.

Also International paper (IP) has also decide to show me some love with a dividend increase. IP raised dividend from $0.475 to $0.50 a 5.3% increase. Ex-Dividend will be November 14 and payable on December 14. Current Yield will be 4.48%. With the increase my Forward Yearly Dividend was Increase by $0.30. Not much but I will take it.

Current forward yearly dividend projection is now at $1355.16.

Do you own this stocks on your fund?
What do you think of recent purchases? Are you on the sidelines with the current market gyrations and volatility?

What are you buying now?

Thanks for visiting

Dividend Pursuit

Disclaimer: Long on all stocks listed

Disclaimer: I’m not a licensed investment advisor and not an investment professional. This site is only meant for educational or entertainment purposes only. I’m not liable for any losses suffered as a result. Please consult with an investment or tax professional before investing any of your money. 

Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Recent Purchase October 2018

Recent Purchase

As we enter the final quarter of the year, I will be buying mostly small amounts to keep adding shares on my current stocks in my fund. However, from time to time I may add a new position, this is mostly due to my current phase of accumulation. I strongly believe in buy and collect stocks at this phase. Sometimes I will be buying stocks at a bargain price, at other times it will be simple to start a position that I will continue to add shares down the line. It is with that kind of mind set that I will be starting the last quarter of the year.

So without further ado... Let us take a look at what I purchase recently in October 2018:

October 2, 2018
ABM 2 shares @ $32.51 total $65.02
KDP 8 shares @ $22.94 total 183.52

October 3, 2018
CPB 4 shares @ $36.64 total 146.56
October 8, 2018
BKE 2 shares @ $21.17 total 42.33
T 3 shares @ 34.08 total $102.24
VZ 2 shares @ 54.99 total $109.98
CAH 8 shares @ $54.52 total $436.16

Quite few collection of stocks that I added shares to continue to build passive income via dividend. These were mostly averaging down and continue building amount of shares I hold on each stocks, while keep collecting stellar dividend paying stocks.

With the current purchase I added $49.46 in forward yearly dividend. The current total is $1343.18. This is real money that I do not have to even lift a finger to collect.

CAH- Cardinal Health is a new position for me. I will continue to build this beaten down stocks recent market gyrations have seen this stock trade at close to its 52-week low of $48, the high end of 52-week market is $75. Hopefully it does not rebound while I am building this position. However, the stock is value much higher so bargains have to be had sometimes. Current Dividend Payout ratio is still in the low 40% of income so room to grown dividend here. The current dividend Yield sits around 3.89%. 

What are your thoughts on current purchases? What are you buying this month? Or are you staying on the sidelines due to market gyrations?

Thanks for visiting

Dividend Pursuit

Disclaimer: Long on all stocks listed

Disclaimer: I’m not a licensed investment advisor and not an investment professional. This site is only meant for educational or entertainment purposes only. I’m not liable for any losses suffered as a result. Please consult with an investment or tax professional before investing any of your money.

Tuesday, October 2, 2018

October 2018 Watchlist

October 2018 Watch List 

So October is here and the year is almost over. As we close in on the last quarter of the year. this is a good time to start planning for upcoming purchases and possible add one more position. Will look at current position to see where we can add more shares and continue to build my portfolio. My current forward yearly dividend sits at $1293.72. 

So here is what I be watching and possibly add more shares here and there to keep growing my dividend portfolio. I do see myself adding a position or two but Mr. Market will have to sort that out.

Here is my list: 

AGNC - a Mortgage REIT company current shares is 12 in my portfolio

KDP - Since merging with Keurig Dr. Pepper will pay dividend as one company for the first time in October. Current shares held 2.

BMY - Bristol-Myers Squibb is a major Bio pharmaceutical company earnings continue to grow quarter over quarter. However, the price is a little high for my liking, but I hope for some pullback in the near future. Current shares held 2

VZ- Verizon, I added few more shares last month, I hope to add few more this month as the price still looks attractive as of now. Current shares held 13.

T- AT&T with the merger completed and know the company can focus in grown its dividend and major TV content provider HBO is now part of the family. Will see what be T does going forward, but I would definitely like to add few more shares here. Current shares held 6.

CAH- Cardinal Health- If I purchase any thing new to add a new position, I think this could be it, but Mr. Market can always change that. The price looks attractive, for one of the three biggest pharmaceutical wholesalers on the US. No position held.

ABBV- Abbvie still looks attractive I feel comfortable with current position, but will add more shares if it drops more here. Current shares held 12.

ABT- Abbott, has rise since i last purchase it has appreciate over 18%, so I hope there is a pull bag so I may add more shares. Current shares held 5.

CPB Campbell Soup continue to go down so it will be time to add more shares for sure. However it will depend on Mr. Market as always. current shares held 5.

ABM- ABM Industries engages in the provision of facilities service for commercial, industrial and institutional buildings. I be looking to add more shares here as the price have fluctuate between $42 to $28 in the last year. at current price of $32 still looks attractive, but I would like some more pull back. Current share held 4.

The above list will be my primary focus. However Mr. Market can always throw in a wrench in our plans and we will have to be flexible and adjust not to time the market but to buy what it presents to us.

Here is other potential opportunity that could present to us all in my current portfolio: O, EPR, LTC, MAIN, CL, and NWFL

What do you think of current list of opportunities? What are you plans for this month? Will you be buying anything or the market gyrations have you on the sidelines?

What are you buying now?

Thanks for visiting

Dividend Pursuit

Disclaimer: Long on all stocks listed, Except for CAH

Disclaimer: I’m not a licensed investment advisor and not an investment professional. This site is only meant for educational or entertainment purposes only. I’m not liable for any losses suffered as a result. Please consult with an investment or tax professional before investing any of your money

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 August 2024 Dividend update Another month has passed us, and I am almost catching up with my monthly reports. Time to add my August 2024 re...