
Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Recent Purchase September 2018 VI

Recent Purchase September 2018 VI

As the month of September came to an end. I had a few money left in the brokerage account so I decided to pull a trigger and add a few more shares and start a new position. It was a busy month I end up buy and adding most of the stocks I had been wanted to buy for awhile so it was definitely a positive month in that aspect. I continue to buy and build my dividend income. So let us take a look on what i purchase last week to end the month.

Without further ado... here is what I purchased:

September 25, 2018
PCH 5 shares @ $45.90 total $229.50

September 27, 2018
AGNC 2 shares @ $18.58 total $37.16

September 28, 2018
BNS 10 shares @ $59.52 total $595.19

Let star with Bank of Nova Scotia (BNS) or Scotiabank. BNS is one of Canada's biggest bank and is well diversified in Latin America, Caribbean and Asia-Pacific with well over 23 million customers. 
BNS just raised its dividend recently and went Ex-Dividend on October 1, 2018 and it is payable on October 29, 2018. This will add $26.36 after exchange rate conversion from Canadian to US dollar in forward yearly dividend.

PotlatchDeltic Corporation (PCH) or Potlatch is a diversified forest company headquarter in Spokane, WA. It manufactures and sells lumber, panels and particleboard and receives revenue from other assets such as mineral rights and the leasing of land as well as the sale of land considered expendable. In February 2018. Potlatch acquired Deltic Timber Corp., a smaller Arkansas-based timber company. Following the merger, the company was renamed PotlatchDeltic. PCH current policy to return money to shareholder via Dividend, special dividend and Share repurchase program is a welcome news to any investor. I missed the last dividend payout, but I look forward to future dividend payout. This will add $8.00 to my forward yearly dividend.

AGNC, is a Residential Mortgage REIT company. The following is from their 2017 annual report:

"2017 was a tremendously successful year for AGNC and our stockholders. For the year, AGNC generated an economic return of 12.1%, comprised of dividends of $2.16 per common share and $0.19 per common share of tangible net asset value appreciation. 1 AGNC’s total stock return, which includes the price appreciation on our common stock and assumes dividend reinvestment, was 23.7% for the year"

With this purchase my total shares is now at 12. Total forward  yearly dividend is now at $25.92.

My current forward yearly dividend is now at $1293.72 with the purchase above.

What do you think of current purchase?
What are you buying now?

Thanks for visiting

Dividend Pursuit

Disclaimer: Long on all stocks listed

Disclaimer: I’m not a licensed investment advisor and not an investment professional. This site is only meant for educational or entertainment purposes only. I’m not liable for any losses suffered as a result. Please consult with an investment or tax professional before investing any of your money. 

September 2018 Dividend/Passive income

September 2018 Dividend / Passive income

September has come to an end and it is now time to reflect on past income and ponder on the benefits dividend investing has on early retirement projections. Beginning of new month is surely the best time for dividend investors as we can count the dollars and change received in previous month. The power of dividend compounding couple with dividend raises has a lasting benefits to early retirees.

Without further ado... here is what I collected last month in dividend and rental cash flow.

  1. AFL $1.56
  2. PFE $1.02
  3. F $3.00
  4. COP $1.43
  5. CMI $4.56
  6. PSX $2.40
  7. SO $6.00
  8. ADM $1.34
  9. LB $9.00
  10. IBM $3.14
  11. XOM $4.10
  12. AGNC $1.80
  13. O $1.54
  14. MAIN $2.09
  15. EPR $2.16
  16. IP $1.43
  17. ED 1.43
  18. D $12.53
  19. BP $4.92
  20. BHP $25.20
  21. QCOM $1.86
  22. TGS $1.79
  23. LTC $1.33
  24. PEP $4.64
  25. PFG $2.12 

Total $102.39

Total $102.39, that is real money folks, twenty-five (25) different companies decided to share their wealth with me. Just because I decided to invest in their future and they share their wealth with me for taking a chance with them. However, this companies are stable and for the most part the dividend looks save for the next 5 to 10 years. 


On the rental side of my investment, last month total income was $3696 for the units and expenses came in at $2771.17. This leaves a cash flow for the month of $924.83.

There were few missed payments, which just gave me my first experience going to the eviction process. I actually just came from court on a stay of eviction execution notice. That will be another story, however some valuable lessons were learn, either way a positive month on the cash flow. I am sure next month will be a little different as the water bill will be due for both property.

Total of $1027.22 in passive income.
How did you do last month on your passive income?

Thanks for visiting

Dividend Pursuit

Disclaimer: Long on all stocks listed

Disclaimer: I’m not a licensed investment advisor and not an investment professional. This site is only meant for educational or entertainment purposes only. I’m not liable for any losses suffered as a result. Please consult with an investment or tax professional before investing any of your money.

Tuesday, September 25, 2018

September 2018 V Purchase

V Purchase

September is almost coming to an end, and with each passing day the market present an opportunity. Mr. Market tend to present opportunity when you least expected. So as an long term investor, we have to be ready when the market present an opportunity and be ready to jump at it. My last purchase was an unexpected opportunity, I plan to eventually buy this stocks, but I did not plan to buy it when I did.

Market gyrations and noise should be ignored as an investor. However, when the market is down we should be ready to pull the trigger on purchases we study and intended to purchase. 
Now let us see what I purchase recently with my Fifth (5) purchase.

Without further is what I purchase:

September 24, 2018
ITW 5 shares @ $145.82 total $729.10
WPC 15 shares @ $64.82 total $972.30
VTR 11 shares @ $54.64 total $601.04
STWD 21 shares @ $21.88 total $459.48

Illinois Tool Works (ITW), recent market gyrations have seem ITW range from $179.00 -to- $134.00.  ITW is a major industrial manufacture, it operates in the following segments: Automatic OEM, Test and Measurement and Electronics, Food Equipment, Polymers and Fluids, Welding, Construction, Products and Specialty Products.
Last quarter numbers were pretty impressive 

  • Total revenue was $3.8 billion, an increase of 7%; organic growth was 4%
  • Operating margin was 24.3%, an increase of 10 bps, 50 bps excluding 2017 legal settlement
  • Operating income was up 7% to $932 million, up 9% excluding the legal settlement
  • Full year guidance adjusted to reflect impact of currency translation in the second half 2018 based on current exchange rates.  Expect EPS in the range of $7.50 to $7.70 per share, up 15% versus prior year at the midpoint *
The purchase of ITW will add $20 in forward yearly dividend. ITW also recently raised its quarter dividend to $1.00 a share and it goes Ex-Dividend on September 27, 2018 and payable on October 9, 2018

W. P. Carey Inc. (WPC) ranks among the largest diversified net lease REITs with an enterprise value of over $11 billion and an internally-managed portfolio of operationally-critical commercial real estate, totaling 878 properties covering approximately 87 million square feet as of June 30, 2018.
WPC is member of Dividend achievers with at least ten (10) years of continue dividend raises to keep up with inflation. The dividend have increase since 1998 from $1.65 to $4.08 in 2018. currently the dividend is at $4.08 which is around 6.1% yield. The next dividend of $1.025 goes Ex-dividend date on September 28, 2018 and payable on on October 15, 2018. this will add $61.50 in forward yearly dividend.

Ventas (VTR), is a well diversify with with range of portfolio as describe below. These has help grow the dividend at 8% compound annual dividend increase. Current purchase will add $34.76 in forward yearly dividend. Ex-Dividend will be September 28, 2018 and payable on October 12, 2018.

Our highly productive, deliberately constructed portfolio of approximately 1,200 assets is essential to our success and a critical part of the Ventas Advantage of superior platforms, properties and people. We focus on high-quality real estate that is well-located in attractive markets with high barriers to entry. We partner with the top operators in each asset class that are leaders in their sectors and are well positioned for growth.
Our advantaged properties are located in the United States, Canada and the United Kingdom.

Starwood Property Trust (STWD), an affiliate of global private investment firm Starwood Capital Group, is the largest commercial mortgage real estate investment trust in the United States. The Company’s core business focuses on originating, acquiring, financing and managing commercial mortgage loans and other commercial real estate debt and equity investments. With total capital deployed since inception of over $44 billion, Starwood Property Trust continues to solidify its position as one of the premier real estate finance companies in the country. Starwood Property Trust has a large floating-rate investment portfolio that makes the REIT a preferred holding during the current rate hiking cycle. An investment in STWD yields 8.6 percent. The stock goes Ex-Dividend on September 27, 2018 and payable on October 15, 2018. My forward yearly dividend will be $40.32.

With the recent purchases my forward yearly dividend will be $1255.06. What do you think of recent purchase? What are you buying?

Thanks for visiting

Dividend Pursuit

Disclaimer: Long on all stocks listed

Disclaimer: I’m not a licensed investment advisor and not an investment professional. This site is only meant for educational or entertainment purposes only. I’m not liable for any losses suffered as a result. Please consult with an investment or tax professional before investing any of your money. 

Monday, September 24, 2018

September 2018 III Purchase part II

Part II and September 2018 Purchase Part IV

As I closed part one of my September 2018 Purchase II, I realized I forgot to add one stock that was purchase. So I will take this opportunity to make an update on purchase part II and September Purchase IV. I can believe I was able to make four (4) different purchase this month and I was able to add quality stocks with long term track record. They will be the cornerstone of my FIRE (Financially Independent Retire Early) Fund. 

So without further ado... here is what I purchased:

September 17, 2018
VZ 7 shares @ $54.62 total $383.33

September 19, 2018
ABBV 8 shares @ $90.88 total $727.04
CB 3 shares @ $140.35 total $421.05
VZ 2 shares @ 53.62 total @107.24

Wow, I was able to add some quality stocks to my fund. 

VZ (Verizon), just raised it's dividend from $0.59 to $0.6025, that is 2.1% increase on par with what the government says the inflation rate is. Over long haul inflation erode earning power of our dollar. That is why I invest in quality stocks who raise dividend to keep up with inflation. 
This purchase will add $21.69 to my forward yearly dividend.

ABBV (ABBVIE), I continue to average down here, I did not plan to buy any new shares of ABBV this month; however, the market present an opportunity to average down, so I took advantage of it.
ABBV will go Ex-Dividend on October 12 and the dividend will be payable on November 15. This purchase will add $30.72 in forward yearly dividend.

CB (Chubb), I long want to purchase this stock. I had a long run and the price is a bit high here, but I want to start the position and over long term continue to add shares here. This purchase will add $8.76 in forward yearly dividend.

My forward yearly dividend is now $1098.47. Truly amazing what the power of compounding does. What do you think of recent purchases? What have you been buying lately?

Thanks for visiting

Dividend Pursuit

Disclaimer: Long on all stocks listed

Disclaimer: I’m not a licensed investment advisor and not an investment professional. This site is only meant for educational or entertainment purposes only. I’m not liable for any losses suffered as a result. Please consult with an investment or tax professional before investing any of your money. 

Tuesday, September 18, 2018

September 2018 III Purchase Part I

September 2018 III Purchase Part I

We are halfway through the month of September, I continue to collect stocks that will be the cornerstone of my Dividend Pursuit portfolio, which will fuel my goal to Financially Independent/Retire Early (FIRE). To that end I collect stocks that have a track record of annually increase their dividend to keep up with inflation. Inflation can erode one's early and purchasing power as the years go by. 

US markets tend to present best options to buy stocks with a long term track record and stability. But that does not mean international stocks do not present the same value and record, it is just harder to find and keep them long term. As international markets specially the emerging markets, does not have the same sticker regulations and company structures as USA does. The political instability can also be a major cause of concern. These is why I will stick mostly to US, Canadian, UK, Germany and France companies in general.

However, Mr. Market can present value at times, which makes it hard to ignored possible opportunities. That is why I started 3 position in Latin American with my third purchase this month. Since I am using Robin Hood (RH) i started some low end positions and did not spend much here as I hope to track all 3 stocks longer before adding more shares.

So without further ado...lets see what I purchase:

September 14, 2018
TUP 30 shares @ $32.86 total $985.80

September 17, 2018 
VIV 10 shares @ $9.73 total $97.30
BLX 5 shares @ $20.89 total $104.45
TGS 7 shares @ $15.40 total $107.80

First Tupperware (TUP), has long been a position I hope to add, It is at 52Week low here so was time to buy. The dividend is safe as payout ratio is around 65% currently compared to earnings, current dividend of 8% is on the high end, so lets hope the stocks appreciate in the near future. This purchase will add $81.60 to my forward yearly dividend. The purchase is also eligible for the upcoming dividend as the Ex-Dividend date is September 18, 2018, with the payout on October 4, 2018.

Telefonica Brasil, S.A. (VIV), this is a play on one of the biggest economy in South America. Brazil is a hit or miss. So I will be hoping to hit big on this one. VIV like TUP is a low point of its 52 Week average, so there is room to grown here. Current Dividend payout ratio is still low at 40% compared to earnings, so there is an expectations that the dividend will grow, couple with Brazil population which is majority young and vibrant, the telecom companies will continue to grow, last quarter the Mobile revenue increased at 4.2% clip. VIV is paying down debt and the revenue continue to grow.

Banco Latinoamericano de Comercio Exterior, S.A. (BLX), I first purchase BLX back in 2016, so it was time to initiate the position again. I very much like the exposure to Latin American. BLX is headquarter in Panama. Panama, has seem an increase of USA Ex-pats, so banking is a huge drawn here as USA citizens move to water weather and with the increase of baby boomers reaching retirement in the near future. The current purchase adds $7.70 to my forward yearly dividend.

Transportadora de Gas del Sur SA (TGS) engages in the production and commercialization of natural gas liquids. It operates in the following segments: Natural gas transportation; production and commercialization of liquids; other services; and telecommunications. TGS is headquarter in Argentina, so another play in South American here. I like that the payout ratio is still at lower end of 28% versus earnings. Argentina, is still dealing with Peso (currency) flatuating and dropping more and more. However, it is an emerging market that has a lot of potential to grow and grow fast. This purchase will add $7.64 to my forward yearly dividend.

All in all I like the purchase and the current shape of where the portfolio fund is heading. The current forward yearly dividend is now at $1040.01. I just cross my first thousand (1000). 

What do you think of current purchase?
What are you buying now?

Thanks for visiting

Dividend Pursuit

Disclaimer: Long on all stocks listed

Disclaimer: I’m not a licensed investment advisor and not an investment professional. This site is only meant for educational or entertainment purposes only. I’m not liable for any losses suffered as a result. Please consult with an investment or tax professional before investing any of your money. 

Tuesday, September 11, 2018

September 2018 Purchase II

Vacation Labor day weekend. September 2018 Purchase II

On this somber day of September 11, 2018. A time to pause, ponder and reflect on the tragic events of September 11, 2001. I took the time to reflect on life and plan for next few months on potential to do list, Stocks buys and other ventures with our real estate holdings. I was also able to reflect on this past summer, and start to plan for next summer on what we could potential plan to do.

As the summer came to an end, we took our last vacation this time we visited the beautiful Niagara Falls. It was definitely tremendous to see the nature in person. To experience the water falls and be able to enjoy it with family was a definitely a blessing. The mini vacation does motivate me to continue to build my passive income, so one day I am able to rely and live me life without worrying about the financial aspect of life.

We also visited the Niagara Falls Aquarium, which was the highlight for Junior. Ever since shark week, he has been fascinated by sharks. Below he admires a shark!

Now that Junior has return to school full time, I should have more time to invest and research stocks I wish to buy. Today I took a different approach and add more shares to current holdings. I kind of did not plan to do so, but did not find any opportunity to deploy capital in any new stocks, so this is the best approach for now. So lets see what I purchase today as the market came to a close.

Without any further ado... here is what I purchase on:

September 11, 2018
LEG 5 shares @ $46.28 total $231.38
GE 15 shares @ $12.36 total $185.32
MAIN 9 Shares @ $39.61 total $356.47
LTC 3 Shares @ $45.46 total $136.38
MRK 3 shares @ $69.16 total $207.50

Total Invested $1118.05 commission free of course since I am using Robin Hood (RH) to trade and buy stocks. You can also use the free app by clicking the link and sign up with RH.

LEG purchase of 5 shares will add $7.60 to my forward yearly dividend, total shares now held is 10.
GE purchase of 15 shares will add $7.20 to my forward yearly dividend, total shares hold is now 37.
MAIN purchase of 9 shares will add $21.06 to my forward yearly dividend, total shares now held is 20.  Three (3) shares of LTC purchase will add $6.84 to forward yearly dividend, total shares hold is now 7. Three (3) shares of MRK purchase will add $5.76 to my forward yearly dividend, total shares now held is 5.

The purchase serve mostly to add shares and average down on some of my holdings like MAIN and GE. Both continue to laggard behind most industry peers. I do believe in both holdings long term and I am patient enough to wait five (5) years on both holdings, while I buy quality stocks I do tend to buy beat down stocks at time.

With the purchase my forward yearly dividend is now at $939.47. The fund will continue to buy stocks and hold for long term unless the dividend are cut. 

What do you think of current purchase?
What are you buying now?

Thanks for visiting

Dividend Pursuit

Disclaimer: Long on all stocks listed

Disclaimer: I’m not a licensed investment advisor and not an investment professional. This site is only meant for educational or entertainment purposes only. I’m not liable for any losses suffered as a result. Please consult with an investment or tax professional before investing any of your money. 

Friday, September 7, 2018

September 2018 Purchase

September 2018 Purchase

A new month and what better way to start the month than make my first purchases of the month. Lets review what I purchase so far this month to add to my growing dividend portfolio.

So without further ado... here is what I purchase this month so far:

September 5, 2018
D 15 shares @ $72.08 total $1081.20
BHP 20 shares @ $46.77 total $935.38
PEP 5 shares @ $113.12 total $565.60
CHL 7 shares @ $47.78 total $334.45

Wow my biggest purchase in one day to date in awhile. Total spend $2916.63. It is amazing that I am able to do this and buy out time out of my forty hour work week. Dividend accumulated here will free up time that I will need to spend at work down the line. What a better way to start the month, than with a bang.

I long wanted to buy all this stocks here is how much dividend I accumulate with this purchase:
The 15 shares on Dominion Energy (D) will add $50.1 to my forward yearly dividend.

BHP Biliton (BHP) 20 shares will add $50.40 in forward dividend.

Pepsi (PEP) 5 shares will add $18.55 in forward yearly dividend.

China Mobile limited (CHL) 7 shares will add $29.31 in forward dividend.

So with this purchases I will add $148.36 in forward dividend.

What do you think of current purchase?
What are you buying now?

Thanks for visiting

Dividend Pursuit

Disclaimer: Long on all stocks listed

Disclaimer: I’m not a licensed investment advisor and not an investment professional. This site is only meant for educational or entertainment purposes only. I’m not liable for any losses suffered as a result. Please consult with an investment or tax professional before investing any of your money.

August 2024 Dividend Update

 August 2024 Dividend update Another month has passed us, and I am almost catching up with my monthly reports. Time to add my August 2024 re...