
Thursday, August 9, 2018

July 2018 dividend payout

July 2018 dividend payout

Wow another month has gone by. However, every investor cherishes this time of the month. It gives us time to stop and count our divided payout for the previous month.

So last month was another milestone for us we finally finished moving to our new home. There are still boxes laying around to be put away which we hoping to finish before September as Junior will be starting kindergarten this September 2018. It was also a busy month getting our old unit updated and rented. As July came to an end we finally found a new tenant after we did our screening of the family. They signed a one (1) year lease on July 31, 2018, this will free up some capital which will be invested in the units to make
Some updates and eventually save for six month emergency account, eventually once this is accomplished will deploy the extra capital into investments. Now it’s time to count last month dividends.

So without further who pay me last month

MAIN $3.89
KDP $207.50
LTC    $3.28
STAG $4.98
PBA $0.45
O      $1.29
EPR  $1.33
WPC $7.44
BNS $5.29
MRK $0.96
LEG $1.90
DIS $1.68
GE $2.64
VTR $4.08
BKE $2.50
CPB $1.75
DLNG $3.50
WDFC $2.16

Total $256.62

So last month I received a total of $256.62 in form of dividend payout. We also received $233.00 in cash flow from our rental units for a total of $489.62

How did you do last month? Who pay you dividend last month?

Thanks for visiting

Dividend pursuit

Disclaimer: Long on all stocks listed, except for MAIN, LTC, STAG, WPC, BNS, VTR.

Disclaimer: I’m not a licensed investment advisor and not an investment professional. This site is only meant for educational or entertainment purposes only. I’m not liable for any losses suffered as a result. Please consult with an investment or tax professional before investing any of your money. 

Disclaimer: Long on all stocks listed

Disclaimer: I’m not a licensed investment advisor and not an investment professional. This site is only meant for educational or entertainment purposes only. I’m not liable for any losses suffered as a result. Please consult with an investment or tax professional before investing any of your money. 

Wednesday, August 1, 2018

August 2018 stock consideration

August 2018 Stock Consideration

Another month has begin and it is time to plan ahead and see what potential stocks, I could add to my collection. Last month ended with a bang and I add few good names to my collection. I hope to do the same this month. It was a busy month for sure, now will see how my new rental cash flow will contribute to my stock purchases. All the units have been rented after two months in the market and completed the screening of new tenant candidates. The new tenants are moving in today and the check for first and last was deposit into the account yesterday and the security deposit will be deposited by next Monday. 

Now it is time to look at potential stocks I have my eye on. However, like the saying goes Mr. Market could always present a different opportunity that open the door for other unseen opportunity.

Now lets take a look at some stocks on my wish list: PFE, AES, ETN, SO, JNJ, XOM, CVX, BP, SBUX, C, BBT, AEP, ADM, PPG, BA, PSX, DFS, LMT, LTC, MAIN, O, EPR, STAG, OGS, WTR, UTX, ED, K, UNP, NSC, AFL, MSFT, SU, SUN, CINR, and HCP.

That is a long list, realistically I may be able to add 5 new names. I hope to start adding shares to my already good list of collection on my fund.

What do you think of this list. Is there a name you been looking at?

Thanks for visiting

Dividend Pursuit

Disclaimer: Long on O, EPR, STAG and SBUX

Disclaimer: I’m not a licensed investment advisor and not an investment professional. This site is only meant for educational or entertainment purposes only. I’m not liable for any losses suffered as a result. Please consult with an investment or tax professional before investing any of your money.

July 2018 VI purchase

July VI Purchase

It has been another extraordinary month for sure. To end it, there is no better way than to add to my collection of dividend paying stocks who will contribute to my early retirement fund sooner rather than later. We all strive for one thing in life. That is enjoy life to the fullest with our love ones and enjoy the hard labor we put forth in our early years. So it is no surprise that I am putting forth the hard work now to enjoy my FIRE soon enough.

So without any further is what I collected this week to end month of July:

July 30, 2018
CFG 3 Shares @ $40.24 Total $120.72
WES 6 Shares @ $52.21 Total $313.26

Citizens Financial Group is a regional bank, headquarter in Providence, Rhode Island. They serve Most of New England States. It is one of the Major bank in Massachusetts and it was my first bank that I first started using about 25 years ago. It was part of Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS), before it was separated from RBS.

It has instituted a good dividend policy soon after went public few years ago. At the time it did not pay dividend and I did not want to buy it, however the time is right to start adding shares here and build a portfolio around this up and coming dividend achiever.

WES, has long been part of my portfolio since 2010, at one time or another. So when I decided to add oil this month it was part of my pick. I will add more oil companies soon hopefully before September to finish the sector.

What do you think of recent purchase? What are you buying and will buy next month?

Thanks for visiting

Dividend Pursuit

Disclaimer: Long on all stocks listed

Disclaimer: I’m not a licensed investment advisor and not an investment professional. This site is only meant for educational or entertainment purposes only. I’m not liable for any losses suffered as a result. Please consult with an investment or tax professional before investing any of your money.

Friday, July 27, 2018

Recent Purchase V July 2018

Recent Purchase V

As the Market closed on Monday I pull the trigger on another stocks I long coveted to own. I last owned this stock in 2006-2007 before it filled for bankruptcy and it has now emerge as strong competitor in the industry. There other two (2) stock I purchase is well respected and has continually increase dividend to keep up with inflation.

After recent sell-off in Capital One Investing, I moved the capital to Robin Hood (RB) and I have taken the opportunity to both diversify and buy strong long term stocks to hold for as long as they keep raising their dividend.

So without further is what I purchased:
July 23, 2018
FAST 5 Shares @ $57.96 Total $289.82
CVS 6 Shares @ $66.36 Total $398.16
DAL 7 Shares @ $52.25 Total $365.75

July 26, 2018
EPR 6 Shares @ $66.52 Total $399.12
O 7 Shares @ $55.89 Total $391.22
HEP 10 Shares @ $31.66 Total $316.59
PAA 10 Shares @ $24.67 Total $246.70
AGNC 10 Shares @ $19.42 Total 194.20

Wow, I like this bunch a lot, for me it has been a long time coming for me to own DAL again. I last sold all my share in 2007 right before they filled for bankruptcy. Consistent dividend increase has convince me. It is also my first airline stocks, there are others I like a lot in the industry however the dividend policy has not been a good one so far.

Thanks for visiting

Dividend Pursuit

Disclaimer: Long on all stocks listed
Disclaimer: I’m not a licensed investment advisor and not an investment professional. This site is only meant for educational or entertainment purposes only. I’m not liable for any losses suffered as a result. Please consult with an investment or tax professional before investing any of your money. 

Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Recent Sell off July

Recent Sell-off on capital one investing

Another week has started and no doubt it was time to sell more shares and move the capital to Robin Hood (RH). so this week I started the sell off with two of my favorites. I hope to buy them early next month hopefully as Mr. Market always throws us a curve ball unexpectedly due to market conditions and other buy opportunities that may arise.

So without further ado... here is what i sold this week so far:

July 23, 2018
MAIN 24.2672 Shares @ $39.37 Total $955.40 as the $6.95 fee will be return tomorrow.

July 24, 2018
LTC 17.2765 Shares @ $40.94 Total $707.21

This will almost complete my sell and transfer strategy to RH from Sharebuilder. It is almost surreal that I am leaving Sharebuilder. I have been using the platform since 2002/2003. However, the fees I will be saving is almost worth the extra hassle for now.

What are you thoughts on this move? What are you Buy/sell?

Thanks for visiting

Dividend Pursuit

Disclaimer: I hold no shares of stocks listed above.

Disclaimer: I’m not a licensed investment advisor and not an investment professional. This site is only meant for educational or entertainment purposes only. I’m not liable for any losses suffered as a result. Please consult with an investment or tax professional before investing any of your money. 

Monday, July 23, 2018

July 2018 IV Purchase

July 2018 IV Purchase

July has surely been another busy month, we are enjoy the good weather finally in the northeast, summer vacation have been filled with trips to the beach, parks and visiting families. I love the summer months in New England. There are so many activities to do and enjoy, that it seems there are not enough time to enjoy it all before the football season and the winter gets here.

With that been said lets review what else I purchase in the month of July to add to my fund of dividend paying stocks which will fund my early retirement and support my family in the near future.

without further is what I purchased
July 19, 2018
COP 5 Shares @ $69.73 Total $348.65
CMI 2 Shares @ $138.08 Total $276.16
CAT 2 Shares @ $139.59 Total $279.18
F 20 Shares @ $10.82 Total $216.30

WOW, another fantastic week! I added few more stalwarts stocks to mine collection. They will be the cornerstone of my fund that will fuel my FIRE. 

With this new purchase I added in forward dividend in each of this stock in the amount of COP $5.70; CMI $9.12; CAT $6.88; F $12.00.

I will keep collecting stocks that continue to pay and raise their dividend Year-After-Year (YAY). What are you buying? What is on the horizon you are contemplating purchasing? What do you think of recent purchases?

Thanks for visiting

Dividend Pursuit

Disclaimer: Long on all stocks listed

Disclaimer: I’m not a licensed investment advisor and not an investment professional. This site is only meant for educational or entertainment purposes only. I’m not liable for any losses suffered as a result. Please consult with an investment or tax professional before investing any of your money.

Friday, July 20, 2018

Recent Sell on Capital One Investing

Recent Sell

I prefer to buy and hold for as long as the stock is producing regular increase dividend. However, with the Capital One Investing (Sharebuilder) selling all their assets to E*Trade, it was time to take advantage of free trades and move all my assets to Robinhood platform (RH).

RH will provide free trades, so I will be saving on fees and instead invested those fees on stable longer term stocks who provide steady increase dividend. This is the Dividend Pursuit is all about adding and collect dividend paying stocks to fuel my journey to financial freedom.

so without further is what I sold recently and started moving the capital to RH:

July 17, 2018
EPR 3.7002 Shares @ $65.67 Total 236.03 +$6.95 refunded. All fees were refunded.
O 5 Shares @ $54.65 Total $314.57 + $6.95 fee

July 18, 2018
QCOM 10.3345 Shares @ $58.65 Total $599.18 + $6.95 Fee

All proceeds have been moved to RH to buy new stocks at this point. I will eventually buy the stocks I sold. But not at the moment, as Mr. Market is presenting some other better evaluation and opportunity.

What do you think of new strategy? What are you buying? do you sell when metrics do not make sense or do you tend to hold for long term?

Thanks for visiting

Dividend Pursuit

Disclaimer: I do not hold any position on the stocks listed

Disclaimer: I’m not a licensed investment advisor and not an investment professional. This site is only meant for educational or entertainment purposes only. I’m not liable for any losses suffered as a result. Please consult with an investment or tax professional before investing any of your money.

August 2024 Dividend Update

 August 2024 Dividend update Another month has passed us, and I am almost catching up with my monthly reports. Time to add my August 2024 re...