
Monday, November 16, 2020

October 2020 Dividend update


It has been a long time since I posted an update to my dividend.  I think it is time I start to hold my self-accountable and start tracking and share my progress.  The idea is to share how I reach my financial independence (FI) by investing for the long term with dividend paying stocks and real estate, which constitute a majority of our holdings.  It has been a year to forget for sure.  I am sure like me you have learned a lot about yourself and have made plans to act accordingly after this pandemic. 

One thing for sure we have all learned is that depending on a paycheck from an employer may not be the best way to live life this day.  Multiple sources of income are the best course of action to plan to live your life for sure.  This is why we are investing in dividend stocks and real estate to supplement our income and hopefully achieve FI.  We have no FI number as we do not see our selves not working, but it will provide our family with options in the future. 

Without further ado let us review our dividend payout and passive income for the month of October 2020:  We received a total of $216.72 in dividend for the month.  Please note I added a W to Mrs. Dividend Pursuit stocks to differentiate between our two accounts.

Here is a breakdown from where the dividends came from on our accounts.

We received $190.39 in our combine taxable accounts, IRA accounts $7.70 and Roth Accounts $18.63.

Real estate passive income was $1559 for the month as expenses we low.  Next month will not be that high for sure.  Total Passive income for the month was $1775.72.

Dividend Year to date










Dividend Pursuit


Mrs. Dividend Pursuit -W




























Main -W






































O -W



















Do you share some of the names above?  How did you do last month?

For now, I think I will just share my dividend and real estate passive income for each month.  Hopefully next year I will have more time to share my purchases as we are making weekly and bi-weekly purchases across our accounts each month.  Next year we will re- evaluate and see how things are going.  We are also saving on my TSP account as a federal employee and I don’t track that account much.  However, I just switched from 40 % C, 30%I and 30% S to 100% C for the time being.  I am well diversified with real estate and we saving cash as well.  So, I am not as worry about risks.  Next year when I review my TSP year end balance in late February 2021, I may make necessary changes.

I am using Personal Capital to track our finances.  It is a great free tool to use to track all your accounts and net worth.  Disclaimer: If you subscribe I may receive a commission.


Thanks for visiting


Dividend Pursuit


Disclaimer: Long on all stocks listed

Disclaimer: I’m not a licensed investment advisor and not an investment professional. This site is only meant for educational or entertainment purposes only. I’m not liable for any losses suffered as a result. Please consult with an investment or tax professional before investing any of your money.

Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Dividend Pursuit Updates (this post was original posted November 2015)

 Dividend Pursuit Updates (this post was original posted November 2015)


It has been awhile since I posted anything.  Life has changed a lot for me and my family and I have been spending more time with them lately which has given me a different perspective in life specially as we quarantine together and trying to stay safe at the same time as we go about our daily activities.  COVID-19 has definitely changed the world and the more you thing of it the more the reality of reaching financial independence becomes important.  It allows you the opportunity to make choices that would possibly keep you and your family safe in though times.  So, this led to a perfect opportunity to start sharing what we been investing on and how we continue our journey to financial independence (FI).  I don’t think I will retire for say where I reach FI but it will give our family more options to work and things we enjoy and are passionate about, which is volunteering and helping people.  To start I will be looking at past post and post some updates based on past posts.  Here is my first post on the blog going back to November 2015. 

I have been investing in stocks since 2001.  I have learned a lot, by making a lot of mistakes.  But my strategy has change since late 2014 while reading Retireby40 journey and how he achieved the ultimate milestone reaching financial independence which allowed him freedom to make decision to retire from a Job he no longer enjoyed.  It let me to a community that was not available to me previously.  Then comes dividend Mantra as I followed his journey and his passion for investing inspire my previous thought process by creating passive income to pursuit early retirement.  Hence this blog will serve to chronicle my journey to early retirement, where I will share companies I am tracking and invest in.  I will eventually share my current stock holding which I started to reinvest in late August 2014 and I have since sold all mu holding three times to purchase new investment property and our current home.  I will track my current yearly dividend and eventually set a goal to achieve my ultimate milestone goal.  I enjoy the people I work with and they are good people.  I just do not have the desire to continuing devoting my time to my job that could be spent watching Junior grow up and enjoy life and being around for his milestones.  I was raised by a single mom so never experience having a father around in my younger years.  I would like to be that influence on my son as he grows up.  This drives my thinking and the way I am going about doing things going forward.  Because of this we are investing in both real estate and the stock market.  We do buy individual stocks as I enjoy doing the research on the stocks I buy.  I will post our weekly purchase and how that is affecting our total dividend income and how each month’s dividend is able to cover some of our expenses.  We do have a monthly budget that we stay close to most months when it comes to our overall expenses for the month.  We often go over the budget when it comes to investing.  We are also planning to save enough for six (6) to 12 months expenses for the next year or so.  We currently have 8 months of expenses saved in liquid accounts.  Real estate in about 70 % of our net worth.  Please joy us in our dividend Pursuit Journey to reach FI.  As I share our purchase for the month and total dividend for the month, We are currently using Robinhood app to invest for both me and Mrs. Dividend Pursuit. Disclaimer we get a referall for clicking on the link. 


Thanks for visiting

Dividend Pursuit

Disclaimer: I’m not a licensed investment advisor and not an investment professional. This site is only meant for educational or entertainment purposes only. I’m not liable for any losses suffered as a result. Please consult with an investment or tax professional before investing any of your money.

Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Recent Purchase - April 2019

April 2019 Update- Recent Purchases

Happy Tax day! We are half way through the month of April it is time to update my recent purchases made so far in April. It has definitely harder to take time and post an update of recent changes on my FI/FIRE fund lately. But since this is a holiday week in Massachusetts and Jr. is home today definitely was even harder.

This morning we woke up and watch the early start of the marathon and play a little bit with Lego's. He loves to create and design new concepts with his Lego's. He is not a big fan of buying a box of Lego's and built the box content, he prefers to design and create his own unique sets of toys. He is also at the phase where this changes daily, so he is always design a new set of toy concept. definitely has an engineering mindset.

This month has been busy from preparing my taxes and find best way to minimized my taxes and preparing for next year taxes has definitely taken allot of my time. As the end result I ended up opening a new IRA and ROTH IRA for both myself and Mrs. Dividend Pursuit. I had an old ROTH IRA with fidelity which I stopped contributed to year ago. In the process of trying to open an IRA with them, I could not remember most of my old information so I decided to go with Schwab for all four (4) of our accounts. 

Do you have a ROTH IRA you investing in? Do you use IRA's or prefer Investment accounts to reach FIRE?

I think will be focusing mostly on our ROTH's and contribute some to IRA's as we both using our employer match at work 401K and TSP for me.

Now without further ado let us review recent purchases made:

Investment account -Robinhood Account:

April 8, 2019
TD 5 shares @ $56.26 total $281.30

April 15, 2019
CL 2 shares @ $68.70 total $137.40

Schwab Dividend Pursuit

April 4, 2019
TD 17 shares @ $56.00 + Commission $4.95 total $956.95  

April 4, 2019 
T 31 shares @ $32.018 + commission $4.95 total $997.51

Mrs. Dividend Pursuit Schwab

April 4, 2019
CVS 18 shares @ $53.1865 + commission $4.95 total $962.31

ABBV 12 shares @ $82.6761 + Commission $4.95 total $997.06

With this purchased I added on my investment account $14.44 in forward divided income in my Investment account with Robinhood.

The reason I like Robinhood as you can see above, fees tend to eat away your hard earn money, instead with Robinhood all of it goes towards your investments.

On our investment account with added $200.92 in forward yearly dividend, which half will grow tax free when we start the withdraw in the future.

What do you think of recent purchases? What are you buying lately?

Thanks for visiting

Dividend Pursuit

Disclaimer: Long on all stocks listed

Disclaimer: I’m not a licensed investment advisor and not an investment professional. This site is only meant for educational or entertainment purposes only. I’m not liable for any losses suffered as a result. Please consult with an investment or tax professional before investing any of your money. 

Thursday, April 4, 2019

March 2019 - Dividend Report

March 2019 - Dividend Payout

It is that time again, for every investor it is the favorite time of the month. The time to stop and count the dividend received from the previous month and analyze what you received and plan for future dividend payouts for the months ahead.

I hope you had a great month last month as we had our best so far.

Dividend Pursuit had it's best month ever. I collected $226.26 in dividend last month to reach our highest total ever and $541.76 year-to-date in the first quarter.

Now let us review who paid me dividend last month, without further ado here is the list:

StocksJanuary 2019February 2019March 2019
1st Quarter $541.76$179.22$136.28Total $226.26

O                $2.26
EPR               $4.50 
LTC                $2.28
PBA                $0.45
D $15.60
BHP              $22.00

Do we share some of the names above? How did you do last month on your dividend payout?

Dividend Raise & Cuts

During last month I received 3 dividend raises and 1 dividend Cuts.
WPC raised its dividend by 0.20% which added $0.12 to my forward dividend;
O -Also raised its dividend by 0.20% which added $0.06 to my forward yearly dividend;
MAIN- raised its dividend by 2.6% which added $2.40 to my forward yearly dividend.

Cuts - 

KHC cut its dividend by a whopping 36% that cut my dividend by $34.20.

Despite this I added more shares here as the long term play still looks better than other options at this point. In the past I have cut ties with the stocks, which I still may do as I had 3 stocks cut their dividend big time in the last few months.

All in all it was a positive month last month. I will also review my last three months of rental cash flow in a future post, as well start posting our ROTH and IRA purchases. 

We are not planning to count with that income in the near future, but since we using it to lower our taxes we will start posting purchases on those accounts. I am still not comfortable posting results from our 401K and TSP due to the nature of those accounts as we will not be able to access it until 59 1/2.

How did you do last month did you had a wonderful month?

Thank you for visiting!

Dividend Pursuit

Disclaimer: Long on all stocks listed

Disclaimer: I’m not a licensed investment advisor and not an investment professional. This site is only meant for educational or entertainment purposes only. I’m not liable for any losses suffered as a result. Please consult with an investment or tax professional before investing any of your money. 

Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Recent Purchases and Raises - March 19- April 1 2019

Recent Purchase - March-April

It has been a few weeks since I post my purchases, So it is time to update everyone on my purchase the last few weeks. The Market has been on a tear of late. This has made it hard to find deals to invest in. So I will be focusing on adding shares to current holdings and average down when necessary.

It has been my motto to ignored the market noises and focus on buying quality stocks that can weather the storm no matter what the market conditions are and can keep up paying and raising dividend in the process.

Without further ado here is what I recently added to my Dividend Pursuit Fund to reach FI/FIRE.

March 27, 2019
STWD 9 shares @ $22.66 total $203.94

April 1, 2019
KDP 3 shares @ $27.65 total $82.95

STWD -Startwood Property Trust, Inc. is a REIT company which invest in: Commercial and Residential Lending, Infrastructure Lending, Real Estate Property and Real Estate Investing and Servicing. The Current Dividend Payout is at 86% and the stock is currently yielding over 8% which is very juicy. Last quarter it's revenue beat the estimate by $7 Million. Last year it deployed over $11 billion dollar which was 58% from previous year. This will add to its free cash flow in the years ahead. The multiple business surely will be used to leverage current market lending structures. With this purchase I added $17.28 to my forward yearly dividend income.

KDP- Keurig Dr. Pepper, This was mostly to average my cost average down. I added 3 shares which will $1.80 in forward dividend income to my FI/FIRE fund.

The last few months I have received a few raises. Have you received a recent raise at work? As a Federal Worker we still have not received our raise for the year, mostly due to the shutdown. We will eventually receive it however, when we do I have to deploy tax strategy to avoid been over tax on that pay period. In contrast dividend raises are always welcome as it is not planned and I am not counting with it to live my daily live currently.

Let us review some raises announced in the last few weeks.

WPC - Dividend raised to $1.032 from $1.03 a 0.20% raised which adds $0.12 to my forward yearly dividend income.

O - Dividend raised to $0.226 from $0.2255 another 0.20% raised which adds $0.06 to my forward yearly dividend income.

BNS - Dividend raised to $0.87 from $0.85 a 2.4% dividend raise. This adds $0.62 in forward yearly dividend.

TD - Dividend raised to $0.74 from $0.67 a 10.4% dividend raise. This adds $1.09 to my forward yearly dividend.

CL- Dividend raised to $0.43 from $0.42 a 2.4% dividend raise. This adds $0.32 in forward yearly dividend.

Cuts: None.

Did you received any raises this month?
How about purchases, what are you buying lately?

Thanks for visiting

Dividend Pursuit

Disclaimer: Long on all stocks listed

Disclaimer: I’m not a licensed investment advisor and not an investment professional. This site is only meant for educational or entertainment purposes only. I’m not liable for any losses suffered as a result. Please consult with an investment or tax professional before investing any of your money.

Monday, April 1, 2019

April 2019 - Watch List

Watch List -April 2019

It is the beginning of a new month (April) and the planning on what I should purchase has started. Compared to previous month I will limit my purchase to a few hundred dollars this month. Tax will be due soon, a new Car is on the horizon, which I hope not to finance. So I may decide to sell few stocks to finance it instead. My hope is to work another 5 years at current Job and transition to part time job down the line to keep a steady income. 

This will mean I will loose some current monthly dividend income that I am currently receiving. However, no debt should accelerate the accumulations again in no time. 

Without further ado here is what is on the horizon for me to purchase this month:
  1.  T (AT&T) I currently hold 18 shares and I hope to add more shares here this month. At current level it is a good time to add more shares to this dividend aristocrat. The stock is currently yielding north of  6% which is very juicy, with the synergies that will be gain with Time Warner this is surely the time to buy. Revenue has grow year-over-year to almost 20% last year after the merger. As the company focus on cutting debt, this will free up more cash flow which could be use to increase dividend as well.
  2. TD (Toronto-Dominion Bank) one of Canada big banks. I like this stock due to it's bigger footprint in the USA market compare to the other big Canadian banks. We still close to 52-week low on it's current stock price, this may be a good time to add more shares; I currently hold only 5 shares and have ignored it for the most part to add to BNS, another of my favorite Canadian banks.
  3. ABBV (Abbvie) currently sits at 20% from its peak. The dividend is very Juicy as well. The concerns with its top drug Humira is definitely a concern. However, multiple drugs in the pipeline should alleviate some of that concern by 2022. I currently hold 20 shares here, I would like to reach 30 shares by year end on this stocks and let it ride.
  4. CVS is also down significantly from its peak $79.00. It may be the best time to load up in this stock at $53.00. With the synergies from its acquisition of Aetna and this will also put CVS ahead of its competitions as well as the leverage in price negotiations down the line. I currently hold 6 shares of CVS and it may be just the time to add more shares this month.
  5. KDP (Keurig Dr. Pepper) I love my Keurig coffee pods in the morning. Leaving for work at 02:30 AM this is a daily necessities. The competition in the market is fierce and they lead the pack. KDP is now part of JAB Private German company, they don't tend to take advantage on synergies with most of their holding, i.e. Panera bread, Peet's coffee and other. Hopefully the synergies with Dr. Pepper will bear fruit sooner rather than later. I currently hold 14 shares here, I may add few shares this month as well here.
There are other stocks I may take a look at this month, but the Five mentioned above will be my focus this month. As we all know Mr. Market can always throw a wrench in our plans.

What will you be buying this month? Do we share some names?

Happy Investing.

Dividend Pursuit

Thank you for visiting.

Disclaimer: Long on all stocks listed

Disclaimer: I’m not a licensed investment advisor and not an investment professional. This site is only meant for educational or entertainment purposes only. I’m not liable for any losses suffered as a result. Please consult with an investment or tax professional before investing any of your money.

August 2024 Dividend Update

 August 2024 Dividend update Another month has passed us, and I am almost catching up with my monthly reports. Time to add my August 2024 re...