
Thursday, December 24, 2015

Recent Buy - Sharebuilder

Recent buy on sharebuilder

I apologized for not posting up to date buys as they occur, it's been a busy month getting things done to refinance the house. Which I hope will eventually free up some more capital for investing in high quality growth stocks who consistently increase their dividend year after year. Of course the recently dividend cut by KMI showed need to look beyond dividend yield specially when it sky rocks.

With that been said I have some catch up to write on the next few days after the holiday break.

December 15

UNP $30 .34 shares @76.48

What are you thoughts on UNP? What are you buying?

Thanks for reading,
Disclaimer: Long on UNP

Disclaimer: I’m not a licensed investment advisor and not an investment professional. This site is only meant for educational or entertainment purposes only. I’m not liable for any losses suffered as a result. Please consult with an investment or tax professional before investing any of your money.

Recent buy -Loyal3

Recent buys on Loyal3

This week was another fun investing week. Like the saying goes another week another dollar going towards building passive income. Which one day will supplant my income from a job I do not wish to get up anymore to go perform. I am still dedicated to the mission and goals at work and perform 110% while there but, I yarn the day I will not have to get up 1 AM to be at work with very limited amount of sleep.  Here is an update to recent purchases from last two weeks on loyal3 account. The reason I like using this broken is there are no fees associated with stock purchases and you can make small purchases as low as $10 per stock.

December 18, 2015

KHC $25 .3451 shares @ 72.44
VFC $25  .3985 shares @62.74
DIS $25 .2216 shares @ 112.80

December 19, 2015

WMT $45  .7466 shares @ 60.27

what are you thoughts on these stocks?

Thanks for reading,
Disclaimer: Long on all stocks mention above

Disclaimer: I’m not a licensed investment advisor and not an investment professional. This site is only meant for educational or entertainment purposes only. I’m not liable for any losses suffered as a result. Please consult with an investment or tax professional before investing any of your money.

Friday, December 11, 2015

Rencent Buy - Capital One Investing

Another week has come and gone. Another week, another dollar was placed towards my early retirement freedom. This week on my weekly Capital One Investing I place the following orders on Dec 8.

DLR    $50.00     .63  shares     Dividend   .85   Yield 4.65%
CINF   $50.00     .81  shares     Dividend   .46   Yield 3.03%
XOM   $50.00     .60  shares     Dividend   .73   Yield 3.7%
COP    $50.00    .93 shares      Dividend   . 74  Yield 5.40%

What are you buying? Any thoughts on recent buys?

Thanks for reading

Disclaimer: Long on all stocks listed.

Disclaimer: I’m not a licensed investment advisor and not an investment professional. This site is only meant for educational or entertainment purposes only. I’m not liable for any losses suffered as a result. Please consult with an investment or tax professional before investing any of your money.

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Recent Buy -Loyal3

Another week has come and gone. Another week, another dollar was placed towards my early retirement freedom. This week on my weekly Loyal3 account I place the following orders on Dec 4 to start the month. A total of $110.00 was seeded. In the near future the seed planted today, will continue to grow to be a strong olive tree, that will keep baring fruits to fund my freedom from getting up at 1 AM 5 days a week.

Here is how capital was funded on loyal3 account. I am hoping to fund 100 on by weekly basis here on stocks I hope to hold for 20 to 30 years here.

what are you thoughts on these stocks?

Thanks for reading,
Disclaimer: Long on all stocks mention above

Disclaimer: I’m not a licensed investment advisor and not an investment professional. This site is only meant for educational or entertainment purposes only. I’m not liable for any losses suffered as a result. Please consult with an investment or tax professional before investing any of your money.

Friday, December 4, 2015

Recent buy

Another week has come and gone. Another week, another dollar was placed towards my early retirement freedom. This week on my weekly Capital One Investing I place the following orders on Dec 1 to start the month.

DLR    $50.00     .63    shares     Dividend  .85  Yield 4.65%
CINF   $150.00   2.39  shares    Dividend   .46  Yield 3.03%
NOV    $100.00   2.56 shares    Dividend   .46   Yield 4.87%
JNJ      $50.00    .45 shares       Dividend   .75  Yield 3.04%

What are you buying? Any thoughts on recent buys?

Thanks for reading

Disclaimer: Long on all stocks listed.

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Dividend income - November 2015

For the past year that I started tracking dividend payout I have see each passing month of slow dividend growth. It is amazing to see seeds planted in the past growing into olive branches of dividend increase that one day will surpass my working salary to a point where, I will no longer need to work to earn a paycheck.

For the month of November these wonderful companies send me a small check that will continue growing every year.


CAT 11/20 $6.36
TIS 11/16 $.53
OHI 11/16 $6.89
O  11/16 $.97
PG 11/16 $2.01
MAIN 11/16 $.90
ABT 11/16 $2.43
OKE 11/13 $5.35
ENBL 11/13 $1.20
KMI 11/13 11.19
NHI 11/11 4.25

TOTAL $ 42.08


HCP 11/23 $ 6.78
PBA 11/12 $ .31
COP 11/30 $2.33
FSC 11/30 $ .43
ERF 11/30 $ .14
TOTAL $ 10.01


Amazing the power of dividends. I could off pay my Comcast billl of $54.28, National grid electicity bill of $53.64 or even Columbia gas bill for $49.03 for the month of november. Looking towards the future I see the branches expanding to a point where all expenses are cover wih dividends.

Next month I am expenting a decline due to sale of various stocks to cover refinancing our home. But hoping to buy again with dips on some of the stocks.

Thanks for reading,

Dividend pursuit

Disclaimer: Long on all stocks listed

Disclaimer: I’m not a licensed investment advisor and not an investment professional. This site is only meant for educational or entertainment purposes only. I’m not liable for any losses suffered as a result. Please consult with an investment or tax professional before investing any of your money.

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Watch List

New month, new possibilities' arise. I will try to make small purchase every week ranging from $50.00 to $200 per stock. I will be using my capitaloneinvesting account.

I will also make biweekly purchases on Loyal3 account. with that said here is current stocks I am looking at for purchase this month on capital One Investing account. 


Long list hope to average about $300 a week and may initiate a few position outside current holdings on the account.

Here is what I currently hold range from 1 share to 13 shares.

I will be building on these holding with every passing week with a hope to gain independence from my job that I am currently starting to hate getting up at 1 AM 5 days a week. It is definitely getting tiresome.

Any suggestions please share, I am always looking for input and willing to learn.

By the time I make this post a buy order should already be made with capitaloneinvesting weekly purchased order I just place this Monday afternoon. I will be adding positions on:

Will make the update on a later purchase post.

Full Disclosure: Long on NOV, CINF, DLR, UTX, VZ, VLO, UNP, SO, JNJ, XOM, CMI, COP and CVX

What's on your watch list for the month or future?

Thanks for reading,

Dividend Pursuit

Disclaimer: I’m not a licensed investment advisor and not an investment professional. This site is only meant for educational or entertainment purposes only. I’m not liable for any losses suffered as a result. Please consult with an investment or tax professional before investing any of your money.

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