
Thursday, January 28, 2016

Recent Buy III - Sharebuilder

Recent buy III - Sharebuilder

The new year has started with a lot of bargains out there for long term investor. With the market in early turmoil and panic, it has create some early entry points for a lot of dividend growth stocks. So it was a no brainier that I use some of my additional fund to start a position in a beaten down stock with a lot of upside and some risk due to oil turmoil.

The saying when there is blood on the street, it's time to buy resonate with this purchase. I had own this stock when it was on up 30's and now at low end of 20's it's an easy bargain not to be passed on. After add to CVX the last few weeks it was time to look at other value stock while there is blood on the street.

So on January 26, 2016 I purchase Oneok, Inc (OKE) 2.95 shares  @24.08 3.95 Fee total $75.00 Dividend .615

*ONEOK, Inc. is the general partner of ONEOK Partners, L.P. (NYSE: OKS), which owns and operates one of the nation’s premier natural gas liquids (NGL) systems, connecting NGL supply in the Mid- Continent, Permian and Rocky Mountain regions with key market centers and is a leader in the gathering, processing, storage and transportation of natural gas in the U.S. OKE has been paying dividend since 1972 and more importantly has raise dividend the last 12 years in a row. OKE owns 36000 miles of NGL and gas pipeline And the business is invested in the following concentration:

  • They are an Integrated midstream assets with a fee-based business model 
  • Supply and market diversification - strategic assets located in growing NGL-rich plays and well positioned in major market areas 
  • Volume growth from supply and market-driven organic growth projects, and strategic acquisitions
  • Investment-grade master limited partnership with a strong balance sheet 
This will add $7.25 to my yearly dividend and total yearly dividend now stands at$266.72.

OKE is the 14th stock for Dividend Pursuit Sharebuilder tax account. My Dividend pursuit fund that will one day pay my day to day expenses and more.

What do you think of OKE? Is there a value to be had here? What are you buying?

Thanks for reading

Disclaimer: Long on OKE, CVX

Disclaimer: I’m not a licensed investment advisor and not an investment professional. This site is only meant for educational or entertainment purposes only. I’m not liable for any losses suffered as a result. Please consult with an investment or tax professional before investing any of your money.

*information obtain from investors page

Friday, January 22, 2016

Recent Buy II -Loyal3

January 22, 2016

Recent Buy II on Loyal3

As we seen blood bath on the street as the market is in a nose dive trajectory. Like the saying goes another week another dollar going towards building passive income. When there is panic in the street there are always opportunity to add to shares at lower discounted prices. I don't know about you but I rather pay $.80 for a dollar. That is pretty much were we are at this level. Since we cannot project the future where the market is headed, consistently add to shares will help you come out on top. Timing the market will usually never work, since we can't really predict future market outcome. Consistently adding buy stocks will either lower cost basis, or get you great long term stock to hold forever and of course collect passive income the ultimate goal.

Passive income is the best income there is. Getting paid to basically manage you time and do as you please. There is no value to owning you time.

Here is an update to recent purchases from last two weeks on loyal3 account. The reason I like using this broker is there are no fees associated with stock purchases and you can make small purchases as low as $10 per stock.

On January 16, 2016 the following purchase was posted.

VFC $25 .4738 shares @ 52.76
WMT $10 .01641 shares @60.92
MCD $10 .0869 shares @115.07
LB  $15. .1658 shares  @90.47
DIS $25 .2740 shares @91.23
KHC $15 .2151 shares @69.75

This small purchases added $3 to my 12 month trailing dividend. The yearly dividend income is now $258.96 with this purchase . Big step for first year of dividend investing. As I look forward to continue dividend growth I can see this continue to grow into a passive income to sustain my family lifestyle.

What are your thoughts on recent purchases?  What are you buying?

Thanks for reading

Disclaimer: Long on all stocks listed.

Disclaimer: I’m not a licensed investment advisor and not an investment professional. This site is only meant for educational or entertainment purposes only. I’m not liable for any losses suffered as a result. Please consult with an investment or tax professional before investing any of your money.

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Recent Buy - Sharebuilder

January 19
Recent buy on Sharebuilder

This week on my weekly Capital One Investing. I used my first monthly goal to invest $250.00 a month on Chevron (CVX). I continue to add shares to this beat down oil giant. As I try to be disciple and focus on one stock to invest each month. With new goal to save for a new house by year end or latest by end of next summer depending on how much we end up saving as a family. Way to start my monthly goal to regular invest $250 per month.

As we look forward to new year with fresh new goals and capital to invest I do see the possibilities where I may also add to shares multiple times during the month. But hoping to avoid doing so and focus on save more
liquidity.  Which should also align with my long term focus. Happy dividend hunting.

So without further ado here is the purchase  details,
On January 19, 2016

CVX    $250.00    2.95 shares   @83.39

This will add $12.66 to my yearly dividend and a total of $248.09
I am on target to reach my year dividend goal for this year of $650.00

What are you buying? Any thoughts on recent buys?

Thanks for reading

Disclaimer: Long on CVX

Disclaimer: I’m not a licensed investment advisor and not an investment professional. This site is only meant for educational or entertainment purposes only. I’m not liable for any losses suffered as a result. Please consult with an investment or tax professional before investing any of your money.

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Recent buy - Sharebuilder

Recent buy - Sharebuilder

This  week on my weekly Capital One Investing. I place the following orders of 100 on CVX. I was hoping to only invest in one stock per month, but could not pass on the dip on CVX. But going forward I am try to be disciple and focus on one stock to invest on to start my regular investing of $250 per month. As we look forward to new year with fresh new goals and capital to invest. Happy dividend hunting.

January 12, 2016

CVX    $100.00    1.18 shares   @80.76

This will add $5.05 to my yearly dividend and a total of $235.42
This is real money that will only continue to grow.

What are you buying? Any thoughts on recent buys?

Thanks for reading

Disclaimer: Long on CVX.

Disclaimer: I’m not a licensed investment advisor and not an investment professional. This site is only meant for educational or entertainment purposes only. I’m not liable for any losses suffered as a result. Please consult with an investment or tax professional before investing any of your money

Recent buy - Loyal3

Today 1/12/2016
Recent buys on Loyal3

This week was another fun investing week. Like the saying goes another week another dollar going towards building passive income. Which one day will supplant my income, from a job I do not wish to get up anymore to go perform. I am still dedicated to the mission and goals at work and perform 110% while there. But I yawn for the day I will not have to get up 1 AM to be at work with very limited amount of sleep.

Here is an update to recent purchases from last two weeks on loyal3 account. The reason I like using this broken is there are no fees associated with stock purchases and you can make small purchases as low as $10 per stock.

On January 6, 2016 the following purchase was posted.

VFC $20 .3272 shares @ 61.13
WMT $10 .1549 shares @64.56
MCD $10 .0849 shares @117.78
K $10 .1409 shares. @70.98
DIS $20 .1983 shares @100.85
KHC $15 .2070 shares @72.46

My yearly dividend income is now $230.37 with this purchase. Big step for first year of dividend investing. As I look forward to continue dividend growth I can see this continue to grow into a passive income to sustain my family lifestyle.

What are your thoughts on recent purchases?  What are you buying?

Thanks for reading

Disclaimer: Long on all stocks listed.

Disclaimer: I’m not a licensed investment advisor and not an investment professional. This site is only meant for educational or entertainment purposes only. I’m not liable for any losses suffered as a result. Please consult with an investment or tax professional before investing any of your money.

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Recent Buy - Sharebuilder

Recent Buy - Sharebuilder

Another week has come and gone. Another week, another dollar was placed towards my early retirement freedom. This week on my Capital One Investing, I place the following orders due to sale of COP, the proceeds $647 was placed into work immediately on the following weekly purchase. Going forward I will only invest $250 a month as we are trying to buy a new house. We will need more liquid asset available.

January 5, 2016

CVX    $100.00     1.08 shares   @88.54
VZ    $200.00     4.26 shares   @46.00
XOM   $147.00     1.84 shares   @77.53
JNJ    $200.00     1.93 shares   @101.15

January 5, 2016

Sharebuilder IRA

T   $75.00    2.07 Shares  @34.31

Sharebuilder ROTH

January 5, 2016

STAG $40.00  1.95 shares  @18.40

What are you buying? Any thoughts on recent buys?

Thanks for reading

Disclaimer: Long on all stocks listed.

Disclaimer: I’m not a licensed investment advisor and not an investment professional. This site is only meant for educational or entertainment purposes only. I’m not liable for any losses suffered as a result. Please consult with an investment or tax professional before investing any of your money.

December 2015 - Dividend Income

December 2015 dividend income

For the past year that I started tracking dividend payout I have see each passing month of slow dividend growth. It is amazing to see seeds planted in the past growing into olive branches of dividend increase that one day will surpass my working salary to a point where, I will no longer need to work to earn a paycheck.

For the month of December 2015 these wonderful 17 companies send me a small check that will continue growing every year.


COP $8.80
CMI $.99
SO $2.70
JNJ $4.97
UTX $.92
EMR $3.42
CVX $14.69
XOM $4.83
VLO $.58
NOV $1.18
RDS.A $10.99
UNP $1.01

TOTAL $ 55.08

STAG $.12

TOTAL $.12

INTL $.37
MCD $.39
K $.37
VFC $.06

TOTAL $1.19


Amazing the power of dividends. I could off pay my Comcast billl of $54.28. Looking towards the future I see the branches expanding to a point where all expenses are cover wih dividends.

Next month I am expenting a decline due to sale of various stocks to cover refinancing our home. But hoping to buy again with dips on some of the stocks.

Thanks for reading,

Dividend pursuit

Disclaimer: Long on all stocks listed

Disclaimer: I’m not a licensed investment advisor and not an investment professional. This site is only meant for educational or entertainment purposes only. I’m not liable for any losses suffered as a result. Please consult with an investment or tax professional before investing any of your money.

Friday, January 1, 2016

Recent sell

Recent Sell

December 31 right before the market closed I decided to sell all my positions in ConocoPhillips (COP). Mostly for tax loss purpose. I will re purchase it again around February or March.  With that said I will used the cash to either add to XOM, JNJ, VZ, or start a new position I have been looking at TD back one of the Canadian big banks to increase my position in finance. The other idea I have is to start a position in CAT it was down 28% last year a great time to start a position in a solid company who too some beating in the market last year.

With that said here is the sell order COP Sold 13.99 shares @46.75 for $647.23

The capital will be used to increase or add new positions

What do you think of recent sell order? What are you buying?

Thanks for reading.

Disclaimer: Long on all position mention above
expect for

Disclaimer: I’m not a licensed investment advisor and not an investment professional. This site is only meant for educational or entertainment purposes only. I’m not liable for any losses suffered as a result. Please consult with an investment or tax professional before investing any of your money.

August 2024 Dividend Update

 August 2024 Dividend update Another month has passed us, and I am almost catching up with my monthly reports. Time to add my August 2024 re...