
Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Recent Purchase I -October 2016

Recent purchase updates

Its been couple weeks since I last post an updated purchase order. So lets catch up on recent purchases and set the path for next months watch list.

So without further ado here is the recent purchase for the month of October so far.

Individual Sharebuilder acct:

VZ $75 1.38 shares @ $51.49

MAIN $100 2.7837 @ $34.50

RY $100 1.5160 shares @ 63.36
EMR $50 .9247 shares @ $49.80
PG $100 1.0926 shares @ $87.91
CAT $100 1.1052 shares @ $86.91
OHI $50 1.3744 shares @ $33.51
UTX $50 .4606 shares @ $99.99
WFC $100 2.1465 shares @ $44.75

IRA Sharebuilder
T $75 1.7707 shares @ $40.13
AXP $75 1.1093 shares @ $64.05

ABT $75 1.7155 shares @ $41.42

WDFC $51 .4276 shares @ $110.04
GOV $30 1.2262 shares @ 21.25
SIR $45 1.5801 shares @ $25.98

ROTH Sharebuilder
TD $100 2.1605 shares @ $44.46
WDR $50 2.5266 shares @ $18.23

BKE $75 3.3555 shares @ $21.17

CLX $55 .4167 shares @ $122.52
FAST $50 1.2116 shares @ $38.01
CL $50 .6368 shares @ $72.32

This adds $51.95 to my forward yearly dividend to $1102.59.
It is specially satisfying to buy to off my favorite holding, that of CAT and PG. Albeit at high level, I don't really see where else to keep building shares a little bit at a time.

Since I have pretty much achieve my first years goal of receiving $500 in dividend and grow forward dividend to over $1000, I have been thinking if its wise to continue the course given that the market its at almost all time highs. I am not really into chasing the market low but the possible crash at any given day does seem realistic at this point. What are you doing are you hoarding cash at this level waiting for a pullback?

What have you been buying?
What do you think of my recent purchases?

Thanks for reading.

Disclaimer: Long on all stocks listed

Disclaimer: I’m not a licensed investment advisor and not an investment professional. This site is only meant for educational or entertainment purposes only. I’m not liable for any losses suffered as a result. Please consult with an investment or tax professional before investing any of your money.

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

September 2016 dividend payout

Dividendpursuit dividend payout September 2016

With September firmly on the books is now time to collect the dividend payout and see how we doing so far. Since it's also end of the quarter its will be great to evaluate how far we came towards meeting our year end goal, as far as the dividend are concern. 

Here is the wonderful companies who decided to share their goodwill with us in September 2016.
Date  ticker amount
9/1 WFC 4.07
INTC 0.6
GWW 0.4
AFL 0.97
PFE 0.34
CMI 4.56
9/2 BG 0.46
9/6 SO 4
JNJ 8.03
9/7 ADM 2.87
9/8 VLO 4.73
9/9 EMR 1.45
XOM 8.63
9/12 UTX 2.65
CVX 21.85
PPG 0.18
IBM 0.62
9/15 STAG 1.31
IP 2.1
MAIN 3.68
9/16 FLO 2.26
9/19 PBA 0.34
9/20 RDS.A 12.68
9/21 QCOM 1.07
9/29 TROW 1.12
9/30 CCP 6.04
UNP 2.12
CLDT 0.76
TOTAL 99.89

So close to reaching the $100.00 mark. This could almost cover this month electric bill of $145.00. Most of recent purchases have been focusing on my ROTH and IRA accounts, and the transfer of my Loyal3 account to JR. But it still inch me closer to first year dividend mark of $500.

My forward dividend now stands at $1050.64 after this month dividend reinvestment of $6.86
Also the first three quarters total dividend now stands at $485.50, I will definitely take that since I hope to only achieve $500 for the year and built the forward dividend to $1000 this year.

About you how did you do last month?

Thanks for reading.

Disclaimer: Long on all stocks listed

Disclaimer: I’m not a licensed investment advisor and not an investment professional. This site is only meant for educational or entertainment purposes only. I’m not liable for any losses suffered as a result. Please consult with an investment or tax professional before investing any of your money.

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Recent purchase II - September 2016

Recent purchase

Here are updates from last two weeks in my portofolio.
Life been very busy and it's end of the year reviews at work. But I still been buy weekly and building shares when ever I see value and opportunity to add to my shares. So without further ado here is the updated purchases recently:

September 20, 2016
CB $200 1.55 shares @ $125.70
DE $86 .98 shares @ $82.95

September 27, 2016
CB $50 .36 shares @ $124.72
BNS $90 1.62 shares @ $52.82
WPC $160 2.32 shares @ $67.02

ROTH Sharebuilder 
September 20, 2016
CM $100 1.25 shares @ $76.71
CL $50 .63 shares @ $72.79

September 27, 2016
TD $100 2.20 shares  $43.58
WDR $50 2.66 shares @ $17.26

IRA Sharebuilder 
September 20, 2016
WDFC $50 .40 shares @ $114.59
NJR $50 1.34 shares @ $34.15

September 27, 2016
ABT $50 1.10 shares @ $41.68

As we can see a lot of Canadian banks added to different portofolios, I believe there may be a lot of value here and potential growth going forward. There consistent dividend increase are also of note.
This also brings my forward yearly dividend to  $1043.78, a good basis of first year buying dividend growth stocks.

What do you think of recent purchases?  What are you been buying?

Thanks for reading

Disclaimer: Long on all stocks listed

Disclaimer: I’m not a licensed investment advisor and not an investment professional. This site is only meant for educational or entertainment purposes only. I’m not liable for any losses suffered as a result. Please consult with an investment or tax professional before investing any of your money.

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Recent Purchase updates - September 2016 I

Its been awhile since I did an updated on recent purchase. So will keep it brief, as my time become very limited with dividend pursuit Jr. in pre-school Tuesday's are now pretty much get him ready for preschool try to accomplish few task linger through the week.

So without further ado here what I have been buy since end of August:

August 30 2016
FLO $80 5.02 shares @ $15.13

September 6, 2016
FLO $80  5.07 shares @ $14.99

September 13, 2016
TUP $110 1.67 shares @ $63.27
GE $100 3.20 shares @ $29.96
MAIN $50 1.34 shares @ $34.13

ROTH sharebuilder
August 30, 2016
WDR $50 2.46 shares @ $18.65

September 6, 2016
WDR $50 2.48 shares @ $18.51

September 13, 2016
STAG $50 1.98 shares @ $23.22
CLDT $50 2.41 shares @ $19.08
FAST $50 1.13 shares @ $40.53

IRA sharebuilder 
August 30, 2016
KNOP $20 .86 shares @ $18.58

September 13, 2016
CCP $100 3.22 shares @ $29.77

Each purchase albeit small is inching me closer to my milestone.
What do you think of recent purchases?
What are you buying?
Are you waiting for a pullback in the market?

As I see it building a dividend portofolio takes time and some luck as there is no way to correctly time the market. I will be buy regardless of the market condition as I see myself in the initial stage of accumulation phase. This is why I am also still automatically reinvesting my dividend to keep adding shares of this wonderful companies.

Thanks for reading

Disclaimer: Long on all stocks listed

Disclaimer: I’m not a licensed investment advisor and not an investment professional. This site is only meant for educational or entertainment purposes only. I’m not liable for any losses suffered as a result. Please consult with an investment or tax professional before investing any of your money.

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Recent raises September 2016

Raises update
With August firmly on the books, it's time to catch up with recent activity within my portofolio to review where we going, and plan ahead towards year end to meet each goals outline from the outset. What better way to start then to review recent dividend increases announcements. Since everyone on the planet loves to receive a raise here and there just to maybe keep up with inflation. The cost of living has been on a rise in the last 15 years at an increditable pace. 

This is one reason I love the aspect of investing in dividend growth stocks. They at least try to keep up with inflation and the power of compounding takes over like a snow ball effect. So without further ado let's review some recent raises announcements.

K from .50 to .52 a 4% increase announced back in July 29, 2016. The Ex-Div Aug 30 Payable Sept 15

KHC from .575 to .60 a 4.3% increase Ex-Div Aug 24 payable Oct 7

ITW from .55 to .65 a 18% increase Ex-Div Sept 28 payable Oct 6

BNS from C$.72 to C$.74 a 2.8% Increase Ex-Div Sep 30 payable Oct 27

VZ from .567 to .5775 a 2.2% increase Ex-Div Oct 5 payable Nov 1

Amazing receiving a raise without lifting a finger to at least keep up with the federal target inflation rate of 2%. I will definetelly take that anyway.

My forward yearly divided is now $954.83 after the $4.68 increase in dividend this will go towards compounding my dividend that I will be receiving going forward.

How about you have you received any recent dividend increases?

Thanks for reading

Disclaimer: Long on all stocks listed

Disclaimer: I’m not a licensed investment advisor and not an investment professional. This site is only meant for educational or entertainment purposes only. I’m not liable for any losses suffered as a result. Please consult with an investment or tax professional before investing any of your money.

Saturday, September 3, 2016

Dividend payout August 2016

My favorite time of the month is here, time to reflect on those company whovsend a small chunk of change my way. They all add up to make up a decent amount. For the past eight months this amount keeps growing substantially, I will take that in a heart beat. Specially since it required no work in my part, just the for sight of investing in this wonderful company small chunk at a time.

So eithout further ado here is my payout:
Date Ticker Amount
8/1 T 5.17
VZ 8.87
DE 1.81
WDR 1.02

8/10 NHI 3.24
8/12/2016 CINR 3.45
CLX 0.27
TOO 0.91

8/15/2016 ABT 0.59
EV 0.33
STAG 1.13
CL 0.24
NNN 0.4
PG 2.96
SUN 11.19
OKE 5.72
OHI 8.57
ETP 4.09
MAIN 3.66
HAS 0.31
KNOP 1.77
PBA 0.35

8/17/2016 BLX 3.91
8/18/2016 COF 0.28
SIR 0.48
ETN 0.41

8/22/2016 GOV 0.66
TIS 1.11
CAT 6.09
8/23/2016 HCP 12.54
FAST 0.32
8/25/2016 PAYX 3.52
8/26/2016 CLDT 0.24
8/31/2016 0.28

Total $95.61

Wow, almost broke the three digit mark for the second time, but I am sure I will break it next month.
This covers a few bills that are due this month, like electrical bill which usually is around $62 for the 
month of August and gas $37. I will definitely take that anytime two bills I wont have to worry about paying if i just stop investing, but we all know that not gone happen since my ultimate goal is to have all my bills cover by dividend receive.

About you how did you do last month?

Thanks for reading.

Disclaimer: Long on all stocks listed

Disclaimer: I’m not a licensed investment advisor and not an investment professional. This site is only meant for educational or entertainment purposes only. I’m not liable for any losses suffered as a result. Please consult with an investment or tax professional before investing any of your money.

Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Recent purchases updates - August 2016

Updated post of recent buy

It has been awhile since I made any updates to the blog. Mostly due to summer vacation coming to its end and the need to enjoy every little bit of time left before the upcoming winter season in the northeast, which can be daunting at times.

But let's catch up on some purchase albeit small, but every dollar compound today will grown into a bigger tree branch tomorrow.

Here updated purchases


August 23, 2016
FLO $105  6.61 shares @ $15.28

August 30, 2016
FLO $80  5.02 shares @ $15.13

ROTH sharebuilder

August 23,2016
CLDT $50 2.13 shares @ $21.62

August 30, 2016
WDR $50 2.46 shares @ $18.65

IRA sharebuilder

August 16, 2016
BG $75 1.09 shares @ $65.07

August 23, 2016
T $25 .51 shares @ $40.95

August 30, 2016
KNOP $20  .86 shares @ $18.58

This will add $16.13 to my yearly dividend which totals $950.15 just shy of $50 to reach my first year goal.

What did you think of recent purchases?

What have you been up to this summer, are you buying or waiting for a pullback?

Thanks for reading.

Disclaimer: Long on all stocks listed

Disclaimer: I’m not a licensed investment advisor and not an investment professional. This site is only meant for educational or entertainment purposes only. I’m not liable for any losses suffered as a result. Please consult with an investment or tax professional before investing any of your money.

August 2024 Dividend Update

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