
Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Recent Buy I - July 2016

Recent Buy I

So fresh of my best month yet, as far as dividend goes it's time to continue buy more shares and add new stocks to growing portofolio to reach financial freedom to allowed more time for more important time with family and other ventures.

With the long holiday weekend over it is now time to focus on get freedom to do just what the holiday afford us to do so, enjoy life and family.

So here is what I purchase this week to get one step closer to the ultimate goal:

LOYAL3 June 30, 2016
DIS $20 .2050 shares @ $97.55

July 5, 2016
MDT $150 1.66 shares @ $87.47
CAT $130 1.68 shares @ $74.60
VZ $120 2.04 shares @ $56.69

July 5, 2016
WDR $40 2.20 shares @ $16.32

July 5, 2016
ABT $50 1.16 shares @ $39.37
T $50 1.05 shares @ $43.70

This will add $15.88 to my forward yearly dividend which now totals: $770.60

What do you think of recent purchases?
What are you buy this month?

I will be looking to add to CAT, ABT, MAIN, LTC. I will also be looking to add few extra stocks that I will add shares to going forward.

Thanks for reading

Disclaimer: Long on all stocks listed

Disclaimer: I’m not a licensed investment advisor and not an investment professional. This site is only meant for educational or entertainment purposes only. I’m not liable for any losses suffered as a result. Please consult with an investment or tax professional before investing any of your money 

Thursday, June 30, 2016

Dividend Income

Time to Collect Dividend

As the month of June concludes its time for my favorite time of the month. Time to count dividend received and where we go from here to reach the ultimate goal of early retirement and freedom from daily Job.
Time to Collect DividendPicture Courtesy:

Count them 32 different companies send me a small check for my foresight to invest in them and my future. It's better to count with 32 different as heck them single paycheck any day. The most important aspect is I did not had to work for it but wisely invest little by little of my excess cash in the wonderful companies.

date          ticker amount
6/1/2016   INTC 0.6
          WFC 3.27
           AFL 0.96
           CMI 4.3
6/6/2016    SO 3.37
6/7/2016    JNJ 7.97
           WMT 1
6/8/2016     ADM 2.48
6/9/2016     MSFT 0.07
6/10/2016    XOM 8.08
            CVX 21.63
             EMR 0.95
              UTX 2.63
6/15/2016 PBA 0.35
                IP 1.55
               K 0.71
              MAIN 2.08
              STAG 0.91
6/17/2016 LB 1.04
6/20/2016 VFC 0.79
                 MCD 0.99
6/21/2016 VLO 3.09
6/22/2016 QCOM 1.06
6/22/2016 FLO 0.39
6/27                 MAIN 5.29* special Dividend
6/28                 RDS.A 11.41
6/30                 CCP 2.86
                LTC 1.08
                DLR 3.52
                UNP 2.11
                TROW 1.11
                 FTR         0.51

Total 98.16

Almost crossed the two digit mark $98.16, looking forward to September dividend to compare progress.

This will also add $7.67 to my forward dividend to $754.72 wow the power of compounding it's amazing.

How did you do this month?

Looking forward to add to the shares already own here to keep building this portfolio.

Thanks for reading

Disclaimer: Long on all stocks listed

Disclaimer: I’m not a licensed investment advisor and not an investment professional. This site is only meant for educational or entertainment purposes only. I’m not liable for any losses suffered as a result. Please consult with an investment or tax professional before investing any of your money 

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Recent Purchases - June II

Updated on Recent Purchases

It's been so far a busy beginning to the summer season. Time of year we take extra vacation and sight seeing. Spending more time with family is the main reason we all work hard and invest in DGI stocks to be able to afford us the time and financial freedom to do so.

While I will be vacationing and traveling to the northeastern states every few weeks for the summer time with family and extended family I will also keep on investing for future freedom.

While across the pond in Europe, the volatility created by Brexit does open up some potential purchase down the road as well.

So without further ado here is an update from the last few weeks of investing.

June 14, 2016
GE $60 1.86 shares @ $30.07
TUP $60 1 share @ $55.76
MAIN $136 4.08 Shares @ $32.34
CINF $64 .86 shares @ $69.75

June 21, 2016
DE $40 .42 shares @ $84.41
NHI $40 .50 shares @ $71.60
TPR $40 .80 shares @ $44.57
ITW $40 .33 shares @ $107.07
WPC $225 3.24 shares @ $68.21

June 28, 2016
MAIN $30 .80 shares @ $32.24
BNS $370 7.55 shares @ $48.45

June 28, 2016
CLDT $50 2.16 shares @ $21.32

This will add $54.91 to my yearly dividend and forward dividend is now at $747.06
Inching closer every day, wow amazing the power of compounding with Dividend Growth (DG)  stocks to reach the milestone.

What do you thing of recent purchases?
What did you buy this month?

I believe I have lay the foundation for some pretty impressive collection of stocks which I hope to continue add shares to as I reach for the ultimate milestone.

As we close out the month of June it's time to reflect on upcoming month and start preparing a watch list for more purchase.

I see the possibility to add to stocks due to Brexit volatility at this point going forward. The likes of DEO, RDS. A, BP, GSK will definetelly be add to my watch list for month of July. But I should have a list ready by week end to focus on.

Thanks for reading,

Dividend pursuit

Disclaimer: Long on all stocks listed

Disclaimer: I’m not a licensed investment advisor and not an investment professional. This site is only meant for educational or entertainment purposes only. I’m not liable for any losses suffered as a result. Please consult with an investment or tax professional before investing any of your money 

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Recent Purchase I - June 2016

Recent Purchase I June 2016

New month at its time to thing of possible purchases and plan ahead to meet yearly goal of $1000 in dividend on my first year of purchasing Dividend Growth Stocks. For that reason I added two new stocks to the portofolio to try to reach my early retirement goal.

So here is what I purchase recently and add to my early retirement fund.

Loyal3 account
June 1, 2016
MCD $125 1.0338 shares @ $120.91

June 7, 2016
TROW $160 2.05 shares @ $75.86
DLR $120 1.13 shares @ $102.03
MAIN $120 3.53 shares @ $32.85
WSBC $100 2.96 shares @ $32.42

This will add $26.73 to my yearly dividend and forward dividend is now at $692.15
Inching closer every day, wow amazing the power of compounding with Dividend Growth (DG)  stocks to reach the milestone.

What do you thing of recent purchase?

What are you buying this month? 
I am hoping to still add to BNS, MAIN, CINF, TUP, TPR, NHI, DE, GE, ITW, T and VZ hopefully by month end.

Thanks for reading

Disclaimer: Long on all stocks listed

Disclaimer: I’m not a licensed investment advisor and not an investment professional. This site is only meant for educational or entertainment purposes only. I’m not liable for any losses suffered as a result. Please consult with an investment or tax professional before investing any of your money 

Saturday, June 11, 2016

Recent purchase - April 2016 part II

Life is just been kick me on my but lately. So much to do so little time. That is one reason why investing in dividend growth stocks is essential to early retirement. As this allows you to take charge of your time to do as you see fit, i.e. Spending more time with your family.

Let's get right to the need grid of my recent purchases which took place in April 2016.

May 24, 2016
QCOM $115 2.0007 shares @ $55.61
UNP $100 1.1725 shares @ $81.92
IP $150 3.5220 shares @ $41.47

May 31, 2016
CAT $50 .6312 shares @ $72.96
MDT $50 .5735 shares @ $80.30
DLR $ 50 .4879 shares @ $94.38
FLO $50 2.4302 shares @ 18.95
WPC $50 .7204 shares @ $63.92
DE $50 .5578 shares @ $82.56
VLO $50 .8355 shares @ $55.12

May 31, 2016
LB $80 1.1660 shares @ $68.61
DIS $20 .2035 shares @ $98.30

The total purchase for the month of April couple with the dividend DRIP adds a total of $134.94 to my forward yearly dividend to $666.15

It is get closer to my 2016 goal of $1000 in yearly dividend.

What are your thoughts on recent purchase any suggestions?

I will add my first two weeks of purchase in the near future for the month of June, with Copa America Centenario 2016 and EURO 2016 happening now my time is really limited with all the other daily task and activities are planned for the summer. But stay tune for more to come.

What are you buying for next month as there are some potential I am looking at mostly Canadian banks and some industrials giants as well.

Thanks for reading?

Disclaimer: Long on all stocks listed

Disclaimer: I’m not a licensed investment advisor and not an investment professional. This site is only meant for educational or entertainment purposes only. I’m not liable for any losses suffered as a result. Please consult with an investment or tax professional before investing any of your money 

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Recent buys - Dividend Payout May 2016 Part I

May Dividend and Purchases

It's been awhile since a made a post to update everyone. It has been a crazy month with highs and lows. From working on my IRS tax audit to car accident, which cause me to have a concussion, (luckily I am ok and recuperating) to finally refinance our home to Lower interest rate.

Enough about me let get to the needy greedy of updating this post with my purchase throughout the month and may 2016 dividend payout.

Month of May provided 5 weeks for my regular weekly investment thru sharebuilder account and loyal3 accounts.

Here are the dividend payout first for May 2016: separated by Date each paid dividend into my accounts
5/2/2016      VZ 7.63
                      T 4.61
                   DE 1.21
           TRP         0.97
5/10/2016 NHI  2.75
5/11/2016 BLX 3.86
5/13/2016 OKE 3.58
5/16/2016 SUN 5.75
                   PG 1.42
                 OHI 4.09
               MAIN 1.81
             STAG 0.73
5/12/2016 PBA 0.34
5/20/2016 CAT 2.36
                  SBUX 0.03
5/23/2016 PAYX 1.98
5/24/2016 HCP 9.49
5/31/2016 LTC 1.08
Total: 53.69

Wow 2 months of the quarter that I am finally over $50 amazing the power of compounding!!!
Of course each one is automatic DRIP expect SBUX which I started in Loyal3 account.

Here are my purchase for May 2016 so far:

May 2, 2016:
HCP $250 7.0976 shares @ $34.67
PAYX $250 4.7084 Shares @ $52.26
SUN $250 7.0312 shares @ $34.99
WFC $250 4.9550 Shares @ $49.66

May 10, 2016
ADM $50 1.2031 shares @ $38.28
XOM $50 .5145 shares @ $89.50
EMR $110 1.9962 shares @ 53.13
CVX $40 .3574 shares @ $100.86
AFL $50 .6659 shares @ $69.16
SO $50 .9190 Shares @ $50.11

May 17, 2016
CMI $100 .8290 shares @ $115.87
UTX $100 .9455 shares @ $ 101.59
JNJ $100 .8446 shares @ $113.73
LTC $50 .9652 shares @ $47.71
MAIN $50 1.4393 shares @ $31.99
RDS.A $100 1.8717 shares @ $ 51.32
VLO $100 1.7178 shares @ $55.91

May 1, 2016
SBUX $21 .3724 shares @ $56.39

May 19, 2016
FTR $15 3.0182 shares @ $4.97
MCD $10 .0811 shares @ $ 123.30
WMT $10 .1432 shares @ $69.83
DIS $15 .1503 shares @ $99.79
LB $50 .7880 shares @ $63.45

May 23, 2916
KHC $50 .5970 shares @ $83.75
K $10 .1340 shares @ $74.61
LB $10 .1560 shares @ $64.1
DIS $10 .1001 shares @ $99.95

There will be a catch up post to follow by next week and updated dividend totals. As I am working with limited time at the moment, on other important matters at the moment.

There is Two more weeks of purchase on Sharebuilder weekly plan and loyal3 as well.

What are you buying for next month as there are some potential I am looking at mostly Canadian banks and some industrials giants as well.

Thanks for reading?

Disclaimer: Long on all stocks listed

Disclaimer: I’m not a licensed investment advisor and not an investment professional. This site is only meant for educational or entertainment purposes only. I’m not liable for any losses suffered as a result. Please consult with an investment or tax professional before investing any of your money 

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Dividend Income - April 2016

Dividend income for April 2016

Another month and time to reflect on those who paid us dividend. There really is nothing to compare to passive income via dividends. Its passive, nothing is required from you, but to constant invest in this stalwarts of company which year in year out continue to payout dividend and increase at a rate above that of inflation.

Below are company who paid me dividend in April.

April 2016
Wow $17.79 close enough to pay my monthly parking to commute to work. I will take that I had nothing else to do but started to invest in some of this companies. 

As all my stocks are set to reinvest the dividend this will add $0.28 to my yearly dividend to $531.21. How is this contributing to my yearly goal?

well so far first quarter (Q1) total dividend was $85.95, I will be looking to add and grow this income for the foreseeable future. 

How did you do in April?

Thanks for reading?

Disclaimer: Long on all stocks listed

Disclaimer: I’m not a licensed investment advisor and not an investment professional. This site is only meant for educational or entertainment purposes only. I’m not liable for any losses suffered as a result. Please consult with an investment or tax professional before investing any of your money 

August 2024 Dividend Update

 August 2024 Dividend update Another month has passed us, and I am almost catching up with my monthly reports. Time to add my August 2024 re...