
Friday, January 4, 2019

Purchase December 20th to January 4th

Recent Purchase Update

Timing the market is in my humble opinion impossible. Specially when the market volatility continues to dominate the headlines. It seems experts have different suggestions, which end up being just noises surrounding the market conditions. We saw during the recent holidays market down one day up the next, just like a seesaw. However, long time investor see it as an opportunity to buy at a discount. We all like to shop when there is a sale out there in our favorite retail or online marketplace. SO why not buy stocks when it is trading at a discount price?

Now let us review some of my purchase in the last few weeks. Due to the holidays, I have been busy with family and also took some time to get the apartment unit up and ready to be rented.

Without further is what I purchase recently:

December 21, 2018
ITW 4 shares @ $123.97 total $495.88

December 26, 2018 
CMI 2 shares @ $127.12 total $254.35
ITW 1 shares @ $119.99
EPR 3 shares @ $64.15 total $192.45
BLX 2 shares @ $16.82 total $33.64

December 27, 2018
BLX 1 shares @ $16.79 

December 28, 2018
BNS 5 shares @ $50.81 total $244. 05
CAH 6 shares @ $45.03 total $270.18
T 1 Shares @ $28.65

January 2, 2019
KDP 4 shares @ 25.21 total @100.84

I did not sell any securities, although I did consider selling a few but tauch it was not the right time to sell. As we entered a new year, this will give me time to consider some of my holdings to see which merits my full attention and those who are dogs and need to go.

Volatility gave me a chance to reduce my cost basis down a lit and add more shares on my stalwarts company who will take me forward to my Next goal.

With the result purchase I added $67.33 to my forward dividend to $1658.09. 

What do you think of recent purchase?

What are you buying?

Thanks for visiting 

Dividend Pursuit

Disclaimer: Long on all stocks listed

Disclaimer: I’m not a licensed investment advisor and not an investment professional. This site is only meant for educational or entertainment purposes only. I’m not liable for any losses suffered as a result. Please consult with an investment or tax professional before investing any of your money. 

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