
Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Dividend Pursuit Updates (this post was original posted November 2015)

 Dividend Pursuit Updates (this post was original posted November 2015)


It has been awhile since I posted anything.  Life has changed a lot for me and my family and I have been spending more time with them lately which has given me a different perspective in life specially as we quarantine together and trying to stay safe at the same time as we go about our daily activities.  COVID-19 has definitely changed the world and the more you thing of it the more the reality of reaching financial independence becomes important.  It allows you the opportunity to make choices that would possibly keep you and your family safe in though times.  So, this led to a perfect opportunity to start sharing what we been investing on and how we continue our journey to financial independence (FI).  I don’t think I will retire for say where I reach FI but it will give our family more options to work and things we enjoy and are passionate about, which is volunteering and helping people.  To start I will be looking at past post and post some updates based on past posts.  Here is my first post on the blog going back to November 2015. 

I have been investing in stocks since 2001.  I have learned a lot, by making a lot of mistakes.  But my strategy has change since late 2014 while reading Retireby40 journey and how he achieved the ultimate milestone reaching financial independence which allowed him freedom to make decision to retire from a Job he no longer enjoyed.  It let me to a community that was not available to me previously.  Then comes dividend Mantra as I followed his journey and his passion for investing inspire my previous thought process by creating passive income to pursuit early retirement.  Hence this blog will serve to chronicle my journey to early retirement, where I will share companies I am tracking and invest in.  I will eventually share my current stock holding which I started to reinvest in late August 2014 and I have since sold all mu holding three times to purchase new investment property and our current home.  I will track my current yearly dividend and eventually set a goal to achieve my ultimate milestone goal.  I enjoy the people I work with and they are good people.  I just do not have the desire to continuing devoting my time to my job that could be spent watching Junior grow up and enjoy life and being around for his milestones.  I was raised by a single mom so never experience having a father around in my younger years.  I would like to be that influence on my son as he grows up.  This drives my thinking and the way I am going about doing things going forward.  Because of this we are investing in both real estate and the stock market.  We do buy individual stocks as I enjoy doing the research on the stocks I buy.  I will post our weekly purchase and how that is affecting our total dividend income and how each month’s dividend is able to cover some of our expenses.  We do have a monthly budget that we stay close to most months when it comes to our overall expenses for the month.  We often go over the budget when it comes to investing.  We are also planning to save enough for six (6) to 12 months expenses for the next year or so.  We currently have 8 months of expenses saved in liquid accounts.  Real estate in about 70 % of our net worth.  Please joy us in our dividend Pursuit Journey to reach FI.  As I share our purchase for the month and total dividend for the month, We are currently using Robinhood app to invest for both me and Mrs. Dividend Pursuit. Disclaimer we get a referall for clicking on the link. 


Thanks for visiting

Dividend Pursuit

Disclaimer: I’m not a licensed investment advisor and not an investment professional. This site is only meant for educational or entertainment purposes only. I’m not liable for any losses suffered as a result. Please consult with an investment or tax professional before investing any of your money.

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