
Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Recent purchases updates - August 2016

Updated post of recent buy

It has been awhile since I made any updates to the blog. Mostly due to summer vacation coming to its end and the need to enjoy every little bit of time left before the upcoming winter season in the northeast, which can be daunting at times.

But let's catch up on some purchase albeit small, but every dollar compound today will grown into a bigger tree branch tomorrow.

Here updated purchases


August 23, 2016
FLO $105  6.61 shares @ $15.28

August 30, 2016
FLO $80  5.02 shares @ $15.13

ROTH sharebuilder

August 23,2016
CLDT $50 2.13 shares @ $21.62

August 30, 2016
WDR $50 2.46 shares @ $18.65

IRA sharebuilder

August 16, 2016
BG $75 1.09 shares @ $65.07

August 23, 2016
T $25 .51 shares @ $40.95

August 30, 2016
KNOP $20  .86 shares @ $18.58

This will add $16.13 to my yearly dividend which totals $950.15 just shy of $50 to reach my first year goal.

What did you think of recent purchases?

What have you been up to this summer, are you buying or waiting for a pullback?

Thanks for reading.

Disclaimer: Long on all stocks listed

Disclaimer: I’m not a licensed investment advisor and not an investment professional. This site is only meant for educational or entertainment purposes only. I’m not liable for any losses suffered as a result. Please consult with an investment or tax professional before investing any of your money.

Sunday, August 14, 2016

Recent purchase -August 2016

Update on recent purchase I made, its been a fun summer so far as another week of vacation come upon us its time to take off on another road trip around new england. This week will be heading to the beautiful Newport RI. As we take on to the beach and some site visits of some beautiful mansions around the coast.

But before we go out here is an updated on last two weeks purchase.
I have also go ahead and transfer all my Loyal3 account into my sons Name. I will track only my tax investment account and report all dividend going forward.

Without further ado here is recent activity:

August 2, 2016
ETP $150 3.87 shares @ $37.65
OKE $150 3.38 shares @ $43.21
TIS $100 3.17 shares @ $30.23
HCP $200 5.01 shares @ $39.07
SUN $200 6.34 shares @ $30.89
WFC $100 2.02 shares @ $47.53
VLO $100 1.84 shares @ $52.18

August 9, 2016
EMR $50 1.03 shares @ $54.23
RDS.A $60 1.11 shares @ $50.25
ADM $60 1.26 shares @ $44.43
IP $60 1.21 shares @ $46.25
SO $60 1.05 shares @ $52.99
XOM $60 .63 shares @ $88.61

IRA sharebuilder
August 2, 2016
IBM $75 .44 Shares
PPG $50 .44 shares
GWW $75 .32 shares
ETN $50 .71 shares
GOV $50 1.93 shares

August 9, 2016
CCP $70 2.24 shares

ROTH IRA sharebuilder
August 2, 2016
CMS $45 .91 shares
STAG $40 1.43 shares
PFE $45 1.12 shares
COF $50 .69 shares

August 9, 2016
CLDT $60 2.56 shares

All recent activity adds $78.54 to my yearly dividend which now totals $934.02 in forward dividend.

Almost reach my first year goal of $1000.00 in forward dividend.

What do you thing of recent purchases?
What have you been buy lately?

Thanks for reading.
Disclaimer: Long on all stocks listed

Disclaimer: I’m not a licensed investment advisor and not an investment professional. This site is only meant for educational or entertainment purposes only. I’m not liable for any losses suffered as a result. Please consult with an investment or tax professional before investing any of your money

Monday, August 1, 2016

July 2016 Dividend payout & watch list


New month and time to reflect on last month dividend and plan for upcoming month.

So here is what  I receive via dividend payout during the month of July 2016

Date Ticker Amount
7/1 WSBC         0.71
7/5 TUB         0.68
7/8 ITW         1.25
KHC         1.2
7/15 PBA         0.35
WPC         7.9
MAIN         3.64
STAG         0.91
CINF         3.06
7/25 GE                 1.82
7/27 MDT         4
BKE         0.88
7/28 DIS                 1.34
BNS          5.42
7/29 LTC                 1.09
WDFC         0.16
Total                 $34.41

Wow!!! This double my equivalent month which was in April. The power of compound albeit small still taking its effect here adding $0.79 to my yearly dividend to $855.48.

Hope you did well!

Hoping to add more in next equivalent month in October 2016.

Now it's time to plan for next month purchases.

Here is my watch list: WFC, SUN, OKE, XOM, CVX, SO, VLO, JNJ, UTX, BG, MAIN, QCOM, ITW, BNS, UNP, AFL, CMI, IP and CAT 

Disclaimer: Long on all this stocks

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